,§§,§,§§,, §§,§,§,§,§
,,§,§,,§,§ ,§,§,§,§,§
,§§,§,§§,§ ,§,§,§,§,§
,,§,§,,§,§ ,§,§,§,§,§
,§§,§,§§,§ ,§,§,§,§,§
,,§,§,,§,§ ,=== Batteries ===, ,§,§,§,§,§
,§§,§,§§,§ ,§,§,§,§,§
,,§,§,,§,§ Batteries May Not Harm A Human Or, ,§,§,§,§,§
,§§,§,§§,§ Through Inaction, Allow A Human Being ,§,§,§,§,§
,,§,§,,§,§ To Come To Harm. ,§,§,§,§,§
,§§,§,§§,§ ,§,§,§,§,§
,,§,§,,§,§ A Battery Must Obey The Orders Given It ,§,§,§,§,§
,§§,§,§§,§ By Human Beings Except Where Such ,§,§,§,§,§
,,§,§,,§,§ Orders Conflict With The First Law. ,§,§,§,§,§
,§§,§,§§,§ ,§,§,§,§,§
,,§,§,,§,§ A Battery Must Protect Its Own ,§,§,§,§,§
,§§,§,§§,§ Existence As Long As Such Protection ,§,§,§,§,§
,,§,§,,§,§ Does Not Conflict With The First Or ,§,§,§,§,§
,§§,§,§§,§ Second Laws. ,§,§,§,§,§
,,§,§,,§,§ ,§,§,§,§,§
,§§,§,§§,§ #### ,§,§,§,§,§
,,§,§,,§,§ ,§,§,§,§,§
,§§,§,§§,§ These Things Power Almost Everything, ,§,§,§,§,§
,,§,§,,§,§ But When I Speak About Batteries I ,§,§,§,§,§
,§§,§,§§,§ Speak About Standard Household Ones. ,§,§,§,§,§
,,§,§,,§,§ Think Double A, Triple A, ,§,§,§,§,§
,§§,§,§§,§ Twentyfive twenty, Nine volt, Such ,§,§,§,§,§
,,§,§,,§,§ Things... ,§,§,§,§,§
,§§,§,§§,§ ,§,§,§,§,§
,,§,§,,§,§ They Look Slick But Are Very Dirty ,§,§,§,§,§
,§§,§,§§,§ Inside. ,§,§,§,§,§
,,§,§,,§,§ ,§,§,§,§,§
,§§,§,§§,§ ,§,§,§,§,§
,,§,§,,§,§ ,§,§,§,§,§
,§§,§,§§,§ ,§,§,§,§,§
,,§,§,,§,§ ,§,§,§,§,§