##@§%%^~.. ..~^%%§@##
@%%^...... ......^%%@
§%%~...... ......~%%§
##@§%%^~.. ..~^%%§@##
###@%%^~.. ..~^%%@###
#@@§%%^~.. ........................................ ..~^%%§@@#
##@§%%^~.. ~~~~................................~~~~ ..~^%%§@##
##@§%%^~.. %%%%%%%^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^%%%%%%% ..~^%%§@##
##@§%%^~.. ####@@@@@@§%%^~.. cave ..~^%%§@@@@@@#### ..~^%%§@##
#§%^...... #######@§%%^~.. geometry ..~^%%§@####### ......^%§#
@%%%%^~... ############ ############ ...~^%%%%@
§%%^...... ######% %###### ......^%%§
#§%%%%^~.. # the name is a little mis- # ..~^%%%%§#
###@§%%^.. ~ giving, because of course there is ~ ..^%%§@###
§%%^...... no real geometry in the caves. you may ......^%%§
§%%^~..... feel as if you are venturing into some .....~^%%§
§%~~...... vast structure, but you are in fact ......~~%§
@@§%^^~... leaving any such thing at the entrance. ...~^^%§@@
#§%%%%^~.. ..~^%%%%§#
###@%%^~.. leaving physical tethers behind, ..~^%%@###
##@§%%^~.. submitting to an inescapable darkness, ..~^%%§@##
##@§%%^~.. the world around you becomes more of a ..~^%%§@##
###§%%^~.. manifestation of your mind, or a ..~^%%§###
###§%%^~.. collective mind, with a shape and a ..~^%%§###
##@§%%^~.. direction and a taste. ..~^%%§@##
@%%^~~.... ....~~^%%@
§%%~...... inescapeable darkness, because if you ......~%%§
##@§%%^~.. bring a candle or mount electrical ..~^%%§@##
§%^....... lights, the walls only serves as .......^%§
@@%%^~~... markers to where the tiny spatial ...~~^%%@@
§%~....... existence ends and the darkness beneath .......~%§
##@§%%^~.. it begins. ..~^%%§@##
@§%~...... ......~%§@
##@§%%^~.. like an inverted mandelbrot, the real ..~^%%§@##
§%^~...... cave is actually not the pockets, but ......~^%§
##@§%%^~.. the black around them. keep that in ..~^%%§@##
###@%%^~.. mind. ..~^%%@###
@§§%%~~... ...~~%%§§@
@§§%^^.... .......~~%#%~~...... ....^^%§§@
##@§%%^~.. ..~^%%§@##
@@@§%%^~.. the moisture that permeates any cave ..~^%%§@@@
@%%~...... worth it's name... it's the water the ......~%%@
§%%~...... world rose from. it's the water you ......~%%§
@@§%%%^~.. drown in, in your dreams. ..~^%%%§@@
##@§%%^~.. ..~^%%§@##
##@§%%^~.. the only sounds in the cave are those ..~^%%§@##
###§%%^~.. that you make yourselves. they may be ..~^%%§###
##@§%%^~.. distorted by the stone structure, and ..~^%%§@##
#@§%^~~... amplified by your mind. try not to be ...~~^%§@#
##@§%%^~.. alarmed, try to remember the persons ..~^%%§@##
###§%%^~.. and objects around you, and you can ..~^%%§###
##@§%%^~.. discern a mirage from a friend. ..~^%%§@##
§§%%~..... .....~%%§§
§%~....... . . . .......~%§
#§§%%%^~.. % . % % % . %. ..~^%%%§§#
@§§%%^^~.. % ..~^^%%§§@
@§%^...... # ^ # ~ . @ #. @ ~ #@ # @ ......^%§@
§§%%~..... @ ^%@%%@% ~~. ~^%@^%@%^ §@^§%@% @@% ~%@ .....~%%§§
##@§%%^~.. ##@§@####@§## %§@#@%###%@####@# ###@#### ..~^%%§@##
##@§%%^~.. ###########@#@######@#@#@##@###@##@###@# ..~^%%§@##
@§§%~~.... ###################@@ @@@############## ....~~%§§@
##@§%%^~.. #### ######@@ % % .@########## ..~^%%§@##
###@§%%~.. ## @# % . ###@ @## ..~%%§@###
##@§%%^~.. #@ # ## ## ..~^%%§@##
#@@§%%^~.. # # # # ..~^%%§@@#
##@§%%^~.. @ @ # # ..~^%%§@##
##@§%%^~.. @ . @ # ..~^%%§@##
#@@§%%^~.. @ ^ @ ..~^%%§@@#
##@§%%^~.. . @ ..~^%%§@##
###@%%^~.. ..~^%%@###
##@§%%^~.. ~ ..~^%%§@##
###@%%^~.. ..~^%%@###
#§%~...... ......~%§#
##@§%%^~.. ..~^%%§@##
##@§%%^~.. ..~^%%§@##
§§%%^^~~.. ..~~^^%%§§
##@§%%^~.. ..~^%%§@##