.^=†=@¶@## ##@¶@=†=^.
..^=†=@¶@# #@¶@=†=^..
.^=†=@¶@## ##@¶@=†=^.
..^=†=@¶@# #@¶@=†=^..
.^=†=@¶@## ##@¶@=†=^.
..^=†=@¶@# =^ #@¶@=†=^..
.^=†=@¶@## kobold drug .==@^. is a general ##@¶@=†=^.
..^=†=@¶@# .^==@†^. term for any #@¶@=†=^..
.^=†=@¶@## .^=@^=@=^.. substance ##@¶@=†=^.
..^=†=@¶@# ..=†§^^§†=^.. that can #@¶@=†=^..
.^=†=@¶@## ..^==¶^.§=†=^... transform ##@¶@=†=^.
..^=†=@¶@# ..^=†=¶^.=§=†=^^.. #@¶@=†=^..
.^=†=@¶@## ^^^^^===††==@§¶==^..^==@§@=††===^^^..... ##@¶@=†=^.
..^=†=@¶@# ..^^^^===††=@§@==^..^=@¶@==††==^^^..... #@¶@=†=^..
.^=†=@¶@## ..^^^^===††==@¶§†^..^†@¶@=††==^^^..... ##@¶@=†=^.
..^=†=@¶@# ...^^^^===††=@§¶†^. ^†§§@=††==^^^.... #@¶@=†=^..
.^=†=@¶@## .....^^^===†==§@==. ^†§§@=†==^^^.... ##@¶@=†=^.
..^=†=@¶@# .....^^^==††=@§@=. ^†@@=††==^^.... #@¶@=†=^..
.^=†=@¶@## .....^^^==††=§@†. ^†@@=†==^^... ##@¶@=†=^.
..^=†=@¶@# ....^^^==†=@¶†^ ^=¶@=†=^^... #@¶@=†=^..
.^=†=@¶@## ....^^^=††=§=^ ^=§=†==^^.. ##@¶@=†=^.
..^=†=@¶@# ....^^^=†=@§= ^=§=†=^^.. #@¶@=†=^..
.^=†=@¶@## ...^^==†=¶†.^§@†=^^.. ##@¶@=†=^.
..^=†=@¶@# ..^^=†=§=.^¶=†=^.. #@¶@=†=^..
.^=†=@¶@## ...^=†=§.^¶==^.. human ##@¶@=†=^.
..^=†=@¶@# ..^=†§^^§†=.. consciousness #@¶@=†=^..
.^=†=@¶@## ..^=@=^@=^. ##@¶@=†=^.
..^=†=@¶@# .^†@==^. #@¶@=†=^..
.^=†=@¶@## .^@==. ##@¶@=†=^.
..^=†=@¶@# ^= #@¶@=†=^..
.^=†=@¶@## ##@¶@=†=^.
..^=†=@¶@# into a kobold-like state. the term #@¶@=†=^..
.^=†=@¶@## "kobold" can be applied to the state ##@¶@=†=^.
..^=†=@¶@# itself, and also to the beings that #@¶@=†=^..
.^=†=@¶@## inhabit this state. ##@¶@=†=^.
..^=†=@¶@# #@¶@=†=^..
.^=†=@¶@## ^^==¶.§@†=^^^. ##@¶@=†=^.
..^=†=@¶@# ^^=††@@@== =†====††==^^ #@¶@=†=^..
.^=†=@¶@## ^===††††††††=^ ^=†††††††††====^^^ ##@¶@=†=^.
..^=†=@¶@# ^^====†††††††===^. .^=================^^ #@¶@=†=^..
.^=†=@¶@## ==============^^^. ..^^^^=============== ##@¶@=†=^.
..^=†=@¶@# ==========^^^^^^.. ...^^^^^^^^^^^======= #@¶@=†=^..
.^=†=@¶@## ===^^^^^^^^^^..... .....^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ##@¶@=†=^.
..^=†=@¶@# ^^^^^^^^^^^..... .......^^^^^^^^^^^^ #@¶@=†=^..
.^=†=@¶@## ^^^^^^^^....... ........^^^^^^^^^ ##@¶@=†=^.
..^=†=@¶@# ^^^^^......... the ...........^^^^^ #@¶@=†=^..
.^=†=@¶@## ^^^......... classic .............^^ ##@¶@=†=^.
..^=†=@¶@# example #@¶@=†=^..
.^=†=@¶@## of kobold drug is the liquid that are ##@¶@=†=^.
..^=†=@¶@# produced by mixing kynurenic acid with #@¶@=†=^..
.^=†=@¶@## ascorbic acid. however, there are other ##@¶@=†=^.
..^=†=@¶@# options. #@¶@=†=^..
.^=†=@¶@## ##@¶@=†=^.
..^=†=@¶@# ======================================== #@¶@=†=^..
.^=†=@¶@## = it is worth noting that not = ##@¶@=†=^.
..^=†=@¶@# = every kobold-like state is due to = #@¶@=†=^..
.^=†=@¶@## = a kobold drug. many are just a = ##@¶@=†=^.
..^=†=@¶@# = result of the human mind being = #@¶@=†=^..
.^=†=@¶@## = tricked into a certain state, = ##@¶@=†=^.
..^=†=@¶@# = such as lucid dreaming. = #@¶@=†=^..
.^=†=@¶@## ======================================== ##@¶@=†=^.
..^=†=@¶@# #@¶@=†=^..
.^=†=@¶@## ##@¶@=†=^.
..^=†=@¶@# #@¶@=†=^..
.^=†=@¶@## ##@¶@=†=^.
..^=†=@¶@# #@¶@=†=^..