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, ***##*** *
# ,,~~««\\, ,\\««~~,, , ~
, ,\\««~~,, ,,~~««\\, #
,,~~««\\, ,\\««~~,,
\\««~~,, ,,~~««\\
#@##**\«~, ,, ,, ,~«\**##@#
#@##**\«~, Something Lies Glowing ,~«\**##@#
##@#**\«~, On The Ocean Floor... ,~«\**#@##
#*\\~,,,,, ,, ,, ,,,,,~\\*#
@#**\~~,,, ,,~~««\\, ,\\««~~,, ,,,~~\**#@
##**«,,,,, ,\\««~~,, ,,~~««\\, ,,,,,«**##
#***\\\«~, ***##*** ,~«\\\***#
##*\\~,,,, ,,,,~\\*##
####**\«~, On The Ocean Floor, A Dangerous And ,~«\**####
##**\«~,,, Caustic And Sweet Sweet Thing, It ,,,~«\**##
#@##**\«~, Glows, It Lures You Closer. A Creature! ,~«\**##@#
#@##**\«~, ,~«\**##@#
#*\~,,,,,, It'S Almost Otter-Like, But Like Lava, ,,,,,,~\*#
#@##**\«~, A Liquid Shaped Like A Living Thing, ,~«\**##@#
#@##**\«~, And When It Raises An Arm, Its Fingers ,~«\**##@#
##*\\\~,,, Are Dripping With Fire. With Its Song, ,,,~\\\*##
@###**\«~, It Lures You Closer Yet. ,~«\**###@
####**\«~, ,~«\**####
#*\~,,,,,, It'S In A State Of Bliss! It'S A Flame, ,,,,,,~\*#
#@##**\«~, Lit By The Sun! And This Pleasure Is To ,~«\**##@#
#@##**\«~, Be Shared, Shared With Others. ,~«\**##@#
#@##**\«~, ,~«\**##@#
###***\«~, And The Creatures Of The Sea Creep ,~«\***###
#**«««~,,, Closer, Hypnotized And Curious, And The ,,,~«««**#
#*\\\««,,, Sludge Extends A Hand, And They Take It, ,,,««\\\*#
@#*\«««,,, ,,,«««\*#@
@@##**\«~, Writhing With Joy, Accepts Them All. ,~«\**##@@
@@##**\«~, They Step Inside, Taking The Shape Of A ,~«\**##@@
#***\«««~, Squirming Otter, Now A Stretching Cat, ,~«««\***#
##*\\\««~, Now Almost Humanoid. Although Suddenly ,~««\\\*##
#*\~,,,,,, It All Liquifies Completely, Now Just A ,,,,,,~\*#
@@##**\«~, Burning Puddle, Lit Not By The Sun, But ,~«\**##@@
@#****\«~, By Some Internal Fuel Hostile To Life. ,~«\****#@
###***\«~, ,~«\***###
@#**«,,,,, ,\\««~~,, ,,~~««\\, ,,,,,«**#@
@#*«~,,,,, ,,~~««\\, ,,~~~~,, ,\\««~~,, ,,,,,~«*#@
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