.:~\=%#### ####%=\~:.
.:~\=%£### ###£%=\~:.
.:~\=%£### ###£%=\~:.
..:~\=%%%# #%%%=\~:..
.:~\=%£### ###£%=\~:.
.:~\=%£### squinky~ squinky~ squinky~ squinky~ ###£%=\~:.
.:~~~===%# inky~ squinky~ squinky~ squinky~ squ #%===~~~:.
...:::\==£ y~ squinky~ squinky~ squinky~ squink £==\:::...
.:~\=%%%%# squinky~ squinky~ squinky~ squinky~ #%%%%=\~:.
....~~~\=£ inky~ squinky~ squinky~ squinky~ squ £=\~~~....
...:~\==£# y~ squinky~ squinky~ squinky~ squink #£==\~:...
.:~\=%£### ###£%=\~:.
.:~\=%£### %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ###£%=\~:.
.:~\=%£### ###£%=\~:.
.:~\=%£### % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % ###£%=\~:.
.::::~=%## % squinky [squinkies] % ##%=~::::.
.....~=£££ % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % £££=~.....
..:~~~~\%£ £%\~~~~:..
.:~\=£#### %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ####£=\~:.
.:~\=%£### ###£%=\~:.
.:~\=%£### "squinky" is the colloquial name for a ###£%=\~:.
.:~\=%£### plant whose cones are genetically ###£%=\~:.
....:\\\=£ engineered to produce a nutritious sap. £=\\\:....
.:~\=%£### the sap is often released when the cone ###£%=\~:.
...::~\==£ is squeezed, although some are instead £==\~::...
...~~~\=£# made to produce a continuous volume #£=\~~~...
.:~\=%£### (these are less suited for outdoor use). ###£%=\~:.
.:~=%£#### ####£%=~:.
......~=££ while mainly used for human sustenance, ££=~......
...:\=%££# squinkies are sometimes also made to #££%=\:...
.....:~\=£ have medecinal use (mostly as £=\~:.....
.:~\=%£### pain relief), or offering chemical ###£%=\~:.
.:~\=%£### properties such as lubrication. ###£%=\~:.
...:~\\%%£ additionaly, theyre used in the making £%%\\~:...
....~\\%## of perfumes for their creatural smells. ##%\\~....
.:~~~\\\%# #%\\\~~~:.
.:~\=%£### ###£%=\~:.
.:~\=%£### ###£%=\~:.
.:~\=%£### ###£%=\~:.
.....~\\%£ £%\\~.....