@¤¤†=-,,,, ,,,,-=†¤¤@
¤¤†=-,,,,, ,,,,,-=†¤¤
¤†=-,,,,,, ,,,,,,-=†¤
†=-,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,-=†
=-,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,-=
†=-,,,,,,, ,,-= -†¤ ¤¤ ¤†- =-,, ,,,,,,,-=†
¤†=-,,,,,, ,,-= -†¤ ¤ ,,-= =-,, ¤ ¤†- =-,, ,,,,,,-=†¤
¤¤†=-,,,,, ,,-= -†¤ ¤ \--------------/ ¤ ¤†- =-,, ,,,,,-=†¤¤
@¤¤†=-,,,, ,, , - = † | Cannabinoids | † = - , ,, ,,,,-=†¤¤@
#@¤¤†=-,,, ,,-= -†¤ ¤ /--------------\ ¤ ¤†- =-,, ,,,-=†¤¤@#
##@¤¤†=-,, ,,-= -†¤ ¤ ,,-= =-,, ¤ ¤†- =-,, ,,-=†¤¤@##
#@¤¤†=-,,, ,,-= -†¤ ¤¤ ¤†- =-,, ,,,-=†¤¤@#
@¤¤†=-,,,, ,,,,-=†¤¤@
¤¤†=-,,,,, (A Small List) ,,,,,-=†¤¤
¤†=-,,,,,, ,,,,,,-=†¤
†=-,,,,,,, ---------------------------------------- ,,,,,,,-=†
=-,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,-=
†=-,,,,,,, ##, Ur onefourtyfour ,,,,,,,-=†
¤†=-,,,,,, ,,,,,,-=†¤
¤¤†=-,,,,, ##, Am twentytwo oh one ,,,,,-=†¤¤
@¤¤†=-,,,, ,,,,-=†¤¤@
#@¤¤†=-,,, ##, Jwh zero eighteen: "I'M Becoming ,,,-=†¤¤@#
##@¤¤†=-,, The River", "We'Re Animals", "This ,,-=†¤¤@##
#@¤¤†=-,,, Is The One" ,,,-=†¤¤@#
@¤¤†=-,,,, ,,,,-=†¤¤@
¤¤†=-,,,,, ##, Five f akb fourtyeight: "Not So ,,,,,-=†¤¤
¤†=-,,,,,, Trippy", "More Like The Real ,,,,,,-=†¤
†=-,,,,,,, Deal", "A Steady One Hour Plus ,,,,,,,-=†
=-,,,,,,,, Afterglow" ,,,,,,,,-=
†=-,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,-=†
¤†=-,,,,,, ##, Am nineohsix ,,,,,,-=†¤
¤¤†=-,,,,, ,,,,,-=†¤¤
@¤¤†=-,,,, ##, Five f pb twentytwo ,,,,-=†¤¤@
#@¤¤†=-,,, ,,,-=†¤¤@#
##@¤¤†=-,, ##, Bb twentytwo ,,-=†¤¤@##
#@¤¤†=-,,, ,,,-=†¤¤@#
@¤¤†=-,,,, ##, Ab fubinaca: "Man Is Too High To ,,,,-=†¤¤@
¤¤†=-,,,,, Write", "Longer Than Akb", "Snake" ,,,,,-=†¤¤
¤†=-,,,,,, ,,,,,,-=†¤
†=-,,,,,,, ##, Sts onethirtyfive: "Fourty To ,,,,,,,-=†
=-,,,,,,,, Fifty Minutes, Not So Eventful," ,,,,,,,,-=
†=-,,,,,,, "Not So Strong", "Pressure On The ,,,,,,,-=†
¤†=-,,,,,, Neck" ,,,,,,-=†¤
¤¤†=-,,,,, ,,,,,-=†¤¤
@¤¤†=-,,,, ##, Two ne one ,,,,-=†¤¤@
#@¤¤†=-,,, ,,,-=†¤¤@#
##@¤¤†=-,, ##, Five f ab pinaca ,,-=†¤¤@##
#@¤¤†=-,,, ,,,-=†¤¤@#
@¤¤†=-,,,, ---------------------------------------- ,,,,-=†¤¤@
¤¤†=-,,,,, ,,,,,-=†¤¤
¤†=-,,,,,, Cannabinoids Is A Misnomer. The Name ,,,,,,-=†¤
†=-,,,,,,, Means "Cannabis-Like", But Refers To A ,,,,,,,-=†
=-,,,,,,,, Loose Group Of Chemicals That Act On ,,,,,,,,-=
†=-,,,,,,, The Same Receptors As Cannabis, Or ,,,,,,,-=†
¤†=-,,,,,, Creates A Feeling Of Similar Quality. ,,,,,,-=†¤
¤¤†=-,,,,, ,,,,,-=†¤¤
@¤¤†=-,,,, These Are Mostly Sold As An Alternative ,,,,-=†¤¤@
#@¤¤†=-,,, For Those Who Can'T Get Hold Of Good ,,,-=†¤¤@#
##@¤¤†=-,, Old Regular Weed, Or Those Who Know ,,-=†¤¤@##
#@¤¤†=-,,, They Will Be Drug Tested, Or Those Who ,,,-=†¤¤@#
@¤¤†=-,,,, Don'T Know Any Better. ,,,,-=†¤¤@
¤¤†=-,,,,, ,,,,,-=†¤¤
¤†=-,,,,,, Most Of Those Listed Here Are Probably ,,,,,,-=†¤
†=-,,,,,,, Very Hard To Get Hold Of These Days, ,,,,,,,-=†
=-,,,,,,,, Since Their Legality Has Expired And ,,,,,,,,-=
†=-,,,,,,, With That Their Reason To Be On The ,,,,,,,-=†
¤†=-,,,,,, Market. ,,,,,,-=†¤
¤¤†=-,,,,, ,,,,,-=†¤¤
@¤¤†=-,,,, That Said. It Can Be Interesting To Try ,,,,-=†¤¤@
#@¤¤†=-,,, Different Varieties. See What Kind Of ,,,-=†¤¤@#
##@¤¤†=-,, Creatures You Can Get Inside The Brain. ,,-=†¤¤@##
#@¤¤†=-,,, ,,,-=†¤¤@#
@¤¤†=-,,,, Anyway Since This Is Dark Market Shit ,,,,-=†¤¤@
¤¤†=-,,,,, There'S No Real Data On Toxicity And ,,,,,-=†¤¤
¤†=-,,,,,, Whatnot, So The Body Might Be Destroyed ,,,,,,-=†¤
†=-,,,,,,, By Their Use. ,,,,,,,-=†
=-,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,-=
†=-,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,-=†
¤†=-,,,,,, ,,,,,,-=†¤
¤¤†=-,,,,, ,,,,,-=†¤¤
@¤¤†=-,,,, ,,,,-=†¤¤@