: Coffee :        
 You  Drink  This  Thing  When  You  Want 
             To Get Fast              
         Gotta Go With Speed          
 Rink   This    ThiHen    Yo     
 Side effects - Cofe Makes You  Think  
    Too   Quickyou   Dance    
 Over   The    Meaning       Ofthings, 
     Not      Able      To      Grasp 
  And The  Sense   The  Impression 
 That    Doom   Is        Coming 
 Different Different  D 
 Types   Of    Coffee:   Freshly   Brewed 
 Revitalized   Envigorated  Grinded   And 
 Reborn  Bean Tea Plant Blood     
   Wait  A Day  And  It Acquires  New 
 Slimy     And      Elusive     Qualities 
     Dreamy  Energy. But  You  Need 
 To               Wait                 
 A Day Or More.                           
 Not Sure Where The Border Is. When Itbe  
 Comes This Other Kind Of Brew   
 And Furthermore,                        
 Sleep Is A Cunning Thing, It Lingers     
    But You Can Shoo It Away With Drink   
            ...For A While...             
 It Actually Is Quite Expensive But They  
     Give It To You For Free, In The      
  Work mill. This Means You Are Probably  
     Getting Tricked Somehow. Are They    
           Stealing Your Sleep?