.##....##. #######...
....##.... ######..##
.##....### .####.....
....##..## ..##..####
.##......# .......##.
....####.. ...†... ######....
###..##... naftakin, the blind #####..###
##......## ...†... ####....##
#..####..# ###..##..#
....##.... a student at the charcoal guild... his ##........
###....### eyes sewn shut from birth... the most ...#######
##..##..## successful student ##..######
#........# #....#####
..######.. but one day he fell down into a crystal ..##..####
...####..# cavern. it was deep in the mountain, a #......##.
##..##.... great hall with only a single tiny ..####....
.......### inlet for both light and falling #..##..##.
######..## students... ..........
.####....# .########.
..##..##.. in the fall, the quartz sliced off the ..######..
#........# threads in his eyes, opening them for ...####..#
..######.. the first time. before him, the ##..##....
#..####... crystals mirrored and refracted the one .......###
....##..## light smidge into a whole night sky, ######..##
.##......# and he was struck down with awe .####.....
....####.. ..##..####
.##..##... but also with shame, because his eyes #......##.
........## had seen. hurriedly, he used thread ..####....
#######... from his robe to sew them back ...##..###
######..## together, and when help came he did not ##......##
#####....# tell of his transgression. ...####..#
####..##.. ##..##....
.##....... for years he studied at the guild. he #......##.
....###### became a master, and then a pilgrim. ..####....
###..##### yet the image from the cave never left ...##..###
##....#### him. ##......##
#..##..### #..####..#
........## at the end of his life, when at the ....##....
#######..# edge of the world he opened his eyes .##....###
######.... for a second time, stars had hatched in ....##..##
#####..##. them... ###......#
####...... ##..####..
.##..##### .....##...
......#### ####....##
.####..### ###..##...
..##....## ##......##