&@¤..¨,@.. , , . , , , ¨ , . , . , . ¨ ¨ , , , , ¨ ¨,,,,,.,#&
&¤¨,£#¨,¨, , . . ¨ , . ¨ ¨ . . , , , ¨ , ¨ , ¨ , ¨ #§&§@#@,,@
#..,,.¨¤§¤ , ¨ ¨ . . , ¨ . . ¨ , . ¨ . , . . ¨ , , §¤£@&@¨,.¨
¨.¤¤¤@.¨§& , , , , . ¨ , , ¨ . , . ¨ ¨ ¨ , §@£¤&..@@,
#.,£¤.¨.¨§ . . ¨ ¨ . , . , . . , ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ , .##¤¨¨¨¨,¨
,¨.¨¨,##,. dark , night,¨bright light. ,little .¨&¨,##£@,
#§#§@¨¨¨¨# soot-cat ¨hiding from the . ion plume. £,,¨.,##,,
,¤#§,.§§,¨ . ¨ , ¨ ¨ . . , ¨ . ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ . , ¨.§#£¨¨,.¨
,.£.¨¨,.,, a grungy¨teenager,.with soot smeared ¤.¨£¨¨@&£@
,,..¤@£#&@ across¨her ¨eyes, . under the shadow , ......,#£¨
£¤&¨.@£&§, of what . they . call . the¨spaceship. ,#§£§§,¨¨,
¨§..,¨§£., ¨ . . ¨ . ¨ ¨ . ¨ ¨¨¤&§¨¨£#,
¨¨¨£#¨¨.¨# a secret ordinance aimed at the sky, #¨¨£,,¨.,,
#¤.,.¨£@,, fuel still being synthesized offsite. ..¨¨.@&§¤#
¤¨,@@.,,¨& she's¨ ¨ a , sentinel.. ¨ . ¨ ¤#¤§.¨@¤@@
¨.,,.¨@§.¨ she thinks: ¨ soon we will create &&¤..,¨§&@
.§&§&.¨.¨¨ cavities ¨ . within . the ¨ ¨ satellite. ##,¨&@¨¨#¨
¨¨@@..&§ ¨ , , . , , £¨¨,,.,,¨¨
#¨,.¨.¨#§¤ the spaceship morphs ever so slowly, ,¨££&£#£
¨,¤#£#,,&£ casting and recasting shadows as big as &,.§#£&¤§#
¨,¨£#¨.,,¨ entire districts. but currently, she ,,¨¨£#&§£,
¤#.¨¨.&¤## would be in the open, if not for hiding @¤§¨,£¤&,¨
,.¨¤§.¨# in a ¨ hollowed ¨ out delivery truck. §¤..¨¨¤.,¨
@¤,¨,,,,&@ .¨,¤&¨.¨£@
@¨,££#&,,, spaceship ¨ hovering, . ion exhaust, , ¤£,.¨.§¨¨#
,¨.,@@.¨@@ spore , exhaust, an otherworldly ¨.¨£§..¨,.
&§&..,,¨.# snowstorm of alien dandruff (and the §¤..,.#¤@£
£#¨¨##§¤., air perpetually compromised, making ¤,¨#&.,#¤#
&,,,.£@¨,, them breathe in all sorts of nice ¨.¨¨¨¨.,##
.¨§&,,..&& things leading to all sorts of .£#@¤¤§,¨@
¨.¨,,#£¨,. reasonable states) ,,§&@£,,.¨
@&£¤¨,,.#& §¨,§¤.,£&£
&¤@,,£#.., ¨.¨¨.¨¨,&¤
##.,.¨¨.£& ¨§¤&§¨.¤
@,.&&¤@,,@ ,.@#@&,,¨¨
¨..,@@¨,.¨ ¨¨¨¤&¨,£§¨