          the plant         
 the  equisetum  is  a  plant  much older 
 than  ferns,  which  are  in  turn  much 
 older  than most trees. it's light green 
 to  yellow  in  color  and  is  slightly 
 the plant has a  spine. each vertebra is 
 stacked upon  the next,  with  spokelike 
 ribs  radiating  outward.  even so, it's 
 very light, being  hollow.  it's roughly 
 the height of  a foxes tail, and  shares 
            a similar plumage.            
 it  likes  partial shade and  very  damp 
          in magic          
 when a  colony numbers  high enough,  it 
 slices  the  air  in  the   forest  into 
 separate planes,  a  few  centimeters in 
 height.  time  can  get   diffracted  in 
 these,  hitting  each   in  turn   in  a 
       slightly different angle, and      
         eventually spread thin.