&.&&&&&&.& &&&&.&&.&.
&&&.....&& &...&&.&&&
...&....&. &&..&.&&..
...&&...&& &.&.&&&.&.
...&.&..&. .&&&&..&&&
&..&&&&.&& shapeshifter by physical introspection, &&...&.&..
&&.&...&&. by building clay figures and seeing ..&..&&&&.
&.&&&..&.& oneself in them. as follows: ..&&.&...&
.&&..&.&&& ..&.&&&..&
&&.&.&&&.. wolverine:: ratlike, blood-seeping, : ..&&&..&.&
..&&&&..&. ~~~~~~~~~~~ freaky, perhaps too cool, ..&..&.&&&
&.&...&.&& ........... too sovereign. :::::::::: &.&&.&&&..
&&&&..&&&. raccoon:::: virus bearer. rabies. ::: &&&.&&..&.
&...&.&..& ~~~~~~~~~~~ handed. perhaps too cute. ...&&.&.&&
.&..&&&&.& rat:::::::: critter, beneath-dweller, &..&.&&&&.
.&&.&...&& ~~~~~~~~~~~ the most ratlike by ::::: .&.&&&...&
&&.&&&..&. ........... virtue of being one. :::: &&&&..&..&
..&&..&.&& ........... whatever that is. ::::::: ....&.&&.&
&.&.&.&&&. armadillo:: little armored one. ::::: &...&&&.&&
.&&&&&&..& ~~~~~~~~~~~ doesn't look dangerous, : &&..&..&&.
.&.....&.& ........... a bit pathetic maybe. ::: &.&.&&.&.&
&&&....&&& cat:::::::: too noble. :::::::::::::: .&&&&.&&&&
...&...&.. fox:::::::: too playful. :::::::::::: .&...&&...
...&&..&&. wolf::::::: the wolf is not a ::::::: .&&..&.&..
...&.&.&.& ~~~~~~~~~~~ ::::::::::: real creature .&.&.&&&&.
...&&&&&&& magpie::::: if it's broken-winged.... .&&&&&...&
&..&...... ~~~~~~~~~~~ good temperament. but, :: .&....&..&
.&.&&..... ........... too free. ::::::::::::::: &&&...&&.&
&&&&.&.... ...&..&.&&
....&&&... ...&&.&&&.
....&..&.. ...&.&&..&
&...&&.&&. &..&&&.&.&
.&..&.&&.& &&.&..&&&&