..-;*%#@## ##@#%*;-..
.....;;%@@ @@%;;.....
..-;*%#@## ##@#%*;-..
..-;*%#@## ##@#%*;-..
..-;*%#@@# #@@#%*;-..
..-;*%#@## ###;- -;### ##@#%*;-..
..-;*%#@## -;;####;;- -;;####;;- ##@#%*;-..
..-;;*%%## -- -;######;- -- ##%%*;;-..
..-;*%#@## --- -- -- --- ##@#%*;-..
..-;*%#@## ---- ---- ##@#%*;-..
.....-;%%# --- street lights... --- #%%;-.....
....--**## ---- for some reason, ---- ##**--....
..-;*%#@## -- the street lights always have a -- ##@#%*;-..
..-;*%#@## particular pattern. it starts with a ##@#%*;-..
....-;%%@# row of white lights, then it's joined #@%%;-....
....;;%#@# by a red row, then the blue ones, and #@#%;;....
..-;*%#@## so on. and then, there's a second row, ##@#%*;-..
...-;;;*%# almost mirroring the first. #%*;;;-...
.....;%#@# #@#%;.....
..-;*%#@## i've been counting how many of each ##@#%*;-..
..-;*%#@## shape there is. ##@#%*;-..
..-;*%#@## i think it's a kind of angel language. ##@#%*;-..
....-*%#@# angel bodies made of light, running #@#%*-....
..-;***#@# along the streets even at night. #@#***;-..
.....-*%%@ @%%*-.....
....-**%@# ---- #@%**-....
....--*##@ ---- ---- @##*--....
.......;%# --- --- #%;.......
..-;*#@### ---- ---- ###@#*;-..
..-;*#@### --- --- ###@#*;-..
..-;*%#@## ---- ---- ##@#%*;-..
..-;*%#### ####%*;-..
..--;;%%## like they're looking for something. ##%%;;--..
.......;%@ @%;.......
..-;*%#@## ##@#%*;-..
..-;;;%%#@ @#%%;;;-..
..-;*%#@## ##@#%*;-..
..-;%#@### ###@#%;-..