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####&@\~-, Vast miku! ,-~\@###
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###&@$\~-, @& ,-~\$@##
##&&@$\~-, \\~~~~~~\,,\~~~~~~\\ ,-~\$@&#
&@@$\\\~-, ~~~~\$\ Vast Miku Can Be \$\~~~ ,-~\\\$@@&
#&@@@$\~-, ,@@@@\~ Experienced At Night ~\@@@@, ,-~\$@@@
#&&$~----, ~\$@~~~~~~~~,, ,,~~~~~~@$\~ ,----~$&
###&@$\~-, &@ ,-~\$@##
###&@$\~-, @& ,-~\$@##
###&@$\~-, ,,,~~~~~~~~~\\\\ \\\\~~~~~~~~~,,, ,-~\$@##
#@@@\~~~-, , Sunset Is A Spell, The Explosion , ,-~~~\@@@#
###&@$\~-, When The Spell Is Cast, The Seal That ,-~\$@##
###&@$\~-, Binds The Day. And Then Finally Comes ,-~\$@##
###&@$\~-, The Night. The Unnatural Default State. ,-~\$@##
#@$\~~~,,, And There She Is, Until The Magic Fades ,,,~~~\$@#
###&@$\~-, , And Day Begins Again. , ,-~\$@##
###&@$\~-, ,,,~~~~~~~~~\\\\ \\\\~~~~~~~~~,,, ,-~\$@##
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###&@$\~-, ~~~\$@~~~~~~~~,, ,,~~~~~~@$\~~~ ,-~\$@##
####&@$\~, ,@\~ Vast miku Is Best Experienced ~\@, ,~\$@###
####&@\~-, ~~~~\$\ Lying Down \$\~~~ ,-~\@###
#&@@$\--,, \\~~~~~~\,,\~~~~~~\\ ,,--\$@@
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