.&&.&.&&.. &&&...&&&.
&.&&&&.&.& ..&..&..&.
&&...&&&&. .&&.&&.&&&
.&..&...&. &.&&.&&...
&&.&&..&&. &&.&&.&...
.&&.&.&.&& #### # # #### # # .&&.&&&..&
&.&&&&&&.& # # # # # ## # &.&&..&.&&
&&.....&&. #### # # #### # # # &&.&.&&&..
.&....&.&& # # # # # # # # .&&&&..&.&
&&...&&&.& # # #### # #### # ## &...&.&&&&
.&..&..&&& &..&&&....
&&.&&.&... alien (from greek "something or the &.&..&....
.&&.&&&... other") - an entity far enough removed &&&.&&...&
&.&&..&..& from you that you do not recognize ..&&.&..&&
&&.&.&&.&& yourself in it... .&.&&&.&..
.&&&&.&&.& &&&..&&&.&
&...&&.&&& (this is not true by the way - you'll ..&.&..&&&
&..&.&&... always recognize yourself in it) .&&&&.&...
&.&&&.&..& &...&&&..&
&&..&&&.&. ################ &..&..&.&.
.&.&..&&&. &.&&.&&&&&
&&&&.&..&& an illusion or conspiracy to remove you &&.&&....&
...&&&.&.. from yourself... on the other hand, i .&&.&...&.
..&..&&&.& very surely .am. the outside peeking &.&&&..&&.
.&&.&..&&& in... &&..&.&.&.
&.&&&.&... .&.&&&&&&.
&&..&&&... a novice at lizardry maybe. but a &&&.....&&
.&.&..&... lizard nonetheless. ..&....&..
&&&&.&&... .&&...&&..
...&&.&..& ###### &.&..&.&.&
..&.&&&.&. &&&.&&&&&&
.&&&..&&&. you can percieve yourself (the entity) ..&&.....&
&..&.&..&. as a generalized member of your speices .&.&....&&
&.&&&&.&&. (if you have one) &&&&...&..
&&...&&.&. ...&..&&.&
.&..&.&&&. ..&&.&.&&.
&&.&&&..&. .&.&&&&.&.
.&&..&.&&. &&&...&&&&
&.&.&&&.&& ..&..&...&