#¨¨¨#¨#### ###¨¨¨###¨
##¨¨###¨¨¨ ¨¨¨#¨¨#¨¨#
¨¨#¨#¨¨#¨¨ #¨¨##¨##¨#
#¨####¨##¨ ##¨#¨##¨##
¨##¨¨¨##¨# #¨####¨##¨
¨#¨#¨¨#¨## ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ###¨¨¨##¨#
#####¨###¨ ¨ $$;;$$ ¨ ¨ $$;;$$ ¨ #¨¨#¨¨#¨##
¨¨¨¨¨##¨¨# ¨ $$~~##~~$$ ¨ The ¨ $$~~##~~$$ ¨ ¨#¨##¨###¨
¨¨¨¨¨#¨#¨# ;~~######~~; $ $ ;~~######~~; ####¨##¨¨#
#¨¨¨¨##### ¨ $$~~##~~$$ ¨$$ Shower $$¨ $$~~##~~$$ ¨ ¨¨¨¨##¨#¨#
¨#¨¨¨#¨¨¨¨ $¨ $$;;$$ ¨$$ $$¨ $$;;$$ ¨$ ¨¨¨¨#¨####
###¨¨##¨¨¨ # ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ # #¨¨¨###¨¨¨
#¨¨#¨#¨#¨¨ $ Deep Below $ ##¨¨#¨¨#¨¨
##¨######¨ Ground Level, Several Elevators Down, #¨#¨##¨##¨
#¨##¨¨¨¨¨# In The Dark Water Where The Surface #####¨##¨#
¨##¨#¨¨¨¨# Light Doesn'T Reach, And Warmth Comes #¨¨¨¨##¨##
##¨###¨¨¨# Mostly From Below - Here Is The Shower. ##¨¨¨#¨##¨
#¨##¨¨#¨¨# #¨#¨¨###¨#
¨##¨#¨##¨# It Is Dark. You Strip, And It'S Cold. ¨###¨#¨¨##
##¨####¨## Your Feet Feel The Cold Stone Floor, ##¨¨###¨#¨
#¨##¨¨¨##¨ Your Hands Find The Rubber Handles To #¨#¨#¨¨###
¨##¨#¨¨#¨# Guide You Into The Cabin. ¨#####¨#¨¨
¨#¨###¨### ¨#¨¨¨¨###¨
¨###¨¨##¨¨ And Then, The Hot Water, The ¨##¨¨¨#¨¨#
##¨¨#¨#¨#¨ Underground Rain. Drenching You, ##¨#¨¨##¨#
¨¨#¨###### Lathering You. Infused With Oils And ¨¨###¨#¨##
#¨###¨¨¨¨¨ Scents. And Then, Also From Above, The #¨#¨¨####¨
###¨¨#¨¨¨¨ Shower Creatures. First Their Black ####¨#¨¨¨#
¨¨¨#¨##¨¨¨ Velvet Arms, Touching, And Then Entire ¨¨¨¨###¨¨#
#¨¨###¨#¨¨ Bodies. Chests And Snouts. ¨¨¨¨#¨¨#¨#
¨#¨#¨¨###¨ #¨¨¨##¨###
#####¨#¨¨# The Creatures Are Meant To Comfort You, ¨#¨¨#¨##¨¨
#¨¨¨¨###¨# Keep You Entranced, And Keep You From ###¨###¨#¨
##¨¨¨#¨¨## Leaving The Cabin Prematurely. This ¨¨¨##¨¨###
¨¨#¨¨##¨#¨ Whole Ordeal Works Best If You Are Not #¨¨#¨#¨#¨¨
¨¨##¨#¨### Transformed Too Early, And Are Instead ¨#¨######¨
¨¨#¨####¨¨ Allowed To Enjoy The Shower For A While. ¨###¨¨¨¨¨#
#¨###¨¨¨#¨ ##¨¨#¨¨¨¨#
¨##¨¨#¨¨## You Are Steamed, Caressed, Cleaned, ¨¨#¨##¨¨¨#
##¨#¨##¨#¨ Modified, Liquified; Dissolved And ¨¨###¨#¨¨#
¨¨####¨### Drained... And Then Brought Back, ¨¨#¨¨###¨#
#¨#¨¨¨##¨¨ Slowly, Waking As The Water Dries Off ¨¨##¨#¨¨##
¨###¨¨#¨#¨ Of You. Cabin Open To The Cold Air ¨¨#¨###¨#¨
¨#¨¨#¨#### Tickling Your Fresh-Born Mind. Creature ¨¨###¨¨###
###¨###¨¨¨ Hands Gone, You Step Out. ¨¨#¨¨#¨#¨¨
#¨¨##¨¨#¨¨ #¨##¨####¨
##¨#¨#¨##¨ Later, Elevator Back Up. New Body. ¨##¨##¨¨¨#
¨¨######¨# ¨#¨##¨#¨¨#
#¨#¨¨¨¨¨## ¨###¨###¨#
¨###¨¨¨¨#¨ ¨#¨¨##¨¨##
##¨¨#¨¨¨## ###¨#¨#¨#¨
#¨#¨##¨¨#¨ #¨¨#######