@@¶&%%^-:, ,:-^%%&¶@@
¶¶&%%%^-:, ,:-^%%%&¶¶
&%%--:,,,, ,,,,:--%%&
&%%^--,,,, ,,,,--^%%&
@&%%%%^-:, ,:-^%%%%&@
@¶¶&%%^-:, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,:-^%%&¶¶@
@¶¶&%%^-:, ----::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::---- ,:-^%%&¶¶@
#@¶&%%^-:, %%%%%%%^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^%%%%%%% ,:-^%%&¶@#
@@¶&%%^-:, ##@@¶¶¶¶¶¶&%%^-:, cave ,:-^%%&¶¶¶¶¶¶@@## ,:-^%%&¶@@
&&%^^--:,, #####@@¶&%%^-:, geometry ,:-^%%&¶@@##### ,,:--^^%&&
¶%%-,,,,,, ##########@@ @@########## ,,,,,,-%%¶
¶%%%%%^-:, #####@% %@##### ,:-^%%%%%¶
&%-:,,,,,, # the name is a little mis- # ,,,,,,:-%&
#@¶&%%^-:, - giving, because of course there is - ,:-^%%&¶@#
#@¶&%%^-:, no real geometry in the caves. you may ,:-^%%&¶@#
##@&%%^-:, feel as if you are venturing into some ,:-^%%&@##
##@&%%^-:, vast structure, but you are in fact ,:-^%%&@##
##@¶%%^-:, leaving any such thing at the entrance. ,:-^%%¶@##
@@¶&%%^-:, ,:-^%%&¶@@
#@¶&%%^-:, leaving physical tethers behind, ,:-^%%&¶@#
@&&&%%^-:, submitting to an inescapable darkness, ,:-^%%&&&@
¶&&%^---:, the world around you becomes more of a ,:---^%&&¶
&&%%^^^-:, manifestation of your mind, or a ,:-^^^%%&&
&%%%^---:, collective mind, with a shape and a ,:---^%%%&
@@¶&%%^-:, direction and a taste. ,:-^%%&¶@@
@&&%-,,,,, ,,,,,-%&&@
#@¶&%%^-:, inescapeable darkness, because if you ,:-^%%&¶@#
#@¶&%%^-:, bring a candle or mount electrical ,:-^%%&¶@#
&%^::,,,,, lights, the walls only serves as ,,,,,::^%&
&%%%^:,,,, markers to where the tiny spatial ,,,,:^%%%&
&%--,,,,,, existence ends and the darkness beneath ,,,,,,--%&
@¶¶&%%^-:, it begins. ,:-^%%&¶¶@
#@¶&%%^-:, ,:-^%%&¶@#
@&%^-::,,, like an inverted mandelbrot, the real ,,,::-^%&@
¶%%^-,,,,, cave is actually not the pockets, but ,,,,,-^%%¶
@&%%^--,,, the black around them. keep that in ,,,--^%%&@
@@¶&%%^-:, mind. ,:-^%%&¶@@
&&%-:::,,, ,,,:::-%&&
¶¶&&%%^-:, ,,,,:::--%#%--:::,,, ,:-^%%&&¶¶
&&&&%%^-:, ,:-^%%&&&&
&%%%%%^-:, the moisture that permeates any cave ,:-^%%%%%&
&%^:,,,,,, worth it's name... it's the water the ,,,,,,:^%&
&%^-:,,,,, world rose from. it's the water you ,,,,,:-^%&
@@¶&%%^-:, drown in, in your dreams. ,:-^%%&¶@@
@&&%%%^-:, ,:-^%%%&&@
#@¶&%%^-:, the only sounds in the cave are those ,:-^%%&¶@#
##@¶&%^-:, that you make yourselves. they may be ,:-^%&¶@##
#@¶&%%^-:, distorted by the stone structure, and ,:-^%%&¶@#
&%^^:,,,,, amplified by your mind. try not to be ,,,,,:^^%&
¶&&%%%^-:, alarmed, try to remember the persons ,:-^%%%&&¶
¶&&&%%^-:, and objects around you, and you can ,:-^%%&&&¶
@¶%%-:,,,, discern a mirage from a friend. ,,,,:-%%¶@
##@¶&%^-:, ,:-^%&¶@##
##¶&%%^-:, , , , ,:-^%%&¶##
&%%^-:,,,, % : % % % : %: ,,,,:-^%%&
#@¶&%%^-:, % ,:-^%%&¶@#
@@¶&%%^-:, # ^ @ - , ¶ @, ¶ - #¶ # ¶ ,:-^%%&¶@@
@¶%%^^^-:, ¶ ^%¶%%¶% --: -^%¶^%¶%^ &¶^&%¶% ¶¶% -%¶ ,:-^^^%%¶@
@&%%%^::,, #@¶&¶@##@¶@ %&¶#¶%#@#%¶###@¶@ ##@¶#@## ,,::^%%%&@
&%^^^::,,, ###@##@#@##¶#¶#@##@#¶#¶@¶#@¶#@#¶@#¶@##¶# ,,,::^^^%&
#@¶&%%^-:, ####@@@@########@@@¶¶ ¶¶¶@@@########### ,:-^%%&¶@#
&%%-,,,,,, ##@@ @@##@@¶¶ % % :¶@####@@@## ,,,,,,-%%&
¶%%%%^--:, #@ ¶@ % , @@@¶ ¶@# ,:--^%%%%¶
#@¶&%%^-:, @¶ @ @@ @@ ,:-^%%&¶@#
#@¶&%%^-:, @ @ @ @ ,:-^%%&¶@#
@¶¶&%%^-:, ¶ ¶ @ @ ,:-^%%&¶¶@
#@¶&%%^-:, ¶ : ¶ @ ,:-^%%&¶@#
@¶%%%%^-:, ¶ ^ ¶ ,:-^%%%%¶@
@&%^---,,, , ¶ ,,,---^%&@
¶¶¶&%%^-:, ,:-^%%&¶¶¶
&&%--::,,, - ,,,::--%&&
@¶¶&%%^-:, ,:-^%%&¶¶@
#@¶&%%^-:, ,:-^%%&¶@#
¶&%^:,,,,, ,,,,,:^%&¶
#@¶&%%^-:, ,:-^%%&¶@#
##¶&%%^-:, ,:-^%%&¶##
#@¶&%%^-:, ,:-^%%&¶@#