     virtual popstar with mirr-branded    
 gloves,  reaching out from shadowy  data 
 centeres, with  a  sly  grin.  she  will 
 take   your  hand   if  you   let   her. 
           she will not let go.           
 but  before any of this is possible, you 
 must  earn some  personal time  together 
 with the world's most famous influencer! 
 most people are aware that she's  a mirr 
  company product, though their relation  
 is  somewhat   unclear.  there  is  avid 
 speculation into who's  her  actor, many 
 believing there  to  me  more than  one. 
 what   they   don't    know   is    that 
           featherbite is an ai.          
     years of relentless training, of     
 grinding  test  audiences  to  dust, and 
 here  is  now  this  program running  on 
 mirr's supercluster, trained to amass  a 
  dedicated and affectable audience. her  
        appearance, her voice, her        
  mannierisms... are weapons, pointed at  
     the public, instilling addiction,    
         dependence, and loyalty.         
  featherbite's social media accounts are 
    constantly pushing for donations,     
 recommending her  to  friends,  or other 
 contributions. at the center of  this is 
 an  official  fanclub,  operating  on  a 
     system of reward and punishment.     
 those who  play  along  will be rewarded 
 with  larger perks, while  those who are 
      uncooperative or try to expose      
 featherbite  will be  punished.  due  to 
 the  addictive  nature  of  exposure  to 
    featherbite, being denied access at   
 this  stage  often  leads   to   painful 
 withdrawal. just  the  threat of  it  is 