.....~**@@ @@**~.....
...:~~~*@@ @@*~~~:...
.:~=*£@#@@ @@#@£*=~:.
.:~====£@@ @@£====~:.
.:~=*££@#@ @#@££*=~:.
.:~*£@#@## . . . . . . ##@#@£*~:.
.:~=*£@#@@ h o u s e @@#@£*=~:.
.:~=*£@#@@ . . . . . . @@#@£*=~:.
......~=*@ @*=~......
.:~=*£#@## i mean like, you live in it an shit, ##@#£*=~:.
.....::=£@ and you get to decorate @£=::.....
.:~=*£@#@# #@#@£*=~:.
.:~=*£@@## or maybe (imean uuuuuh it )might be some ##@@£*=~:.
.....:=£@@ one elses house... a house is a building @@£=:.....
....~***@@ you sleep in? or some person sleeps in? @@***~....
....:=*@## ##@*=:....
.:~=*£@#@# it's a house if you #@#@£*=~:.
.:~=*£@#@# ::. rent it .:: #@#@£*=~:.
.....~=*@@ ~~. own it .~~ @@*=~.....
.:~=*£@@@# ::. like the colour .:: #@@@£*=~:.
.:~=*£@#@@ ~~. have a pet in there .~~ @@#@£*=~:.
.:~=*£@#@# ::. dream of it .:: #@#@£*=~:.
.:~=*£@#@# ~~. have a relation to it .~~ #@#@£*=~:.
.:~=*£@#@# ::. like the taste of it .:: #@#@£*=~:.
.:~=*£@### ~~. have friends there .~~ ###@£*=~:.
.:~=*£@#@# ::. know it by heart .:: #@#@£*=~:.
.:~=*£@#@# ~~. made it up .~~ #@#@£*=~:.
.:~=**££@@ ::. do drugs there .:: @@££**=~:.
.:~=*£@@## ~~. died there .~~ ##@@£*=~:.
......:=£# ... and if it's also where you sleep #£=:......
.:~=*£@#@# #@#@£*=~:.
.:~=*£@#@# #@#@£*=~:.
...::==*@@ if it's a place where you wake up at @@*==::...
...::=**@# night but not in the morning we can #@**=::...
.:~=*£@@## discuss it, call my phone number ##@@£*=~:.
......:=*@ @*=:......
.:~~~=*@@@ @@@*=~~~:.
......~=£@ it could also be something you build @£=~......
....:===£# out of rocks and fabric for your #£===:....
..:~~~~=*@ unanimate anthro companion animal @*=~~~~:..
.:~=*£@#@# #@#@£*=~:.
.:~~~~*£@@ @@£*~~~~:.
.....:~*@@ @@*~:.....
.:~=*£@#@# #@#@£*=~:.
..:::::~*@ @*~:::::..