,:»\=£@### ###@£=\»:,
,,,::»==£@ @£==»::,,,
,:»\=£@### ###@£=\»:,
,,,,:\==£# #£==\:,,,,
,:»\=£@### ###@£=\»:,
,,,»\==£## get down on your claws ##£==\»,,,
,:»\=£#### »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» ####£=\»:,
,,,,,,»\£@ @£\»,,,,,,
,,,,,:\=@# #@=\:,,,,,
,,,,,,»=£# it must evoke the feeling of having #£=»,,,,,,
,:»\====@@ friends. it must be for to do crime. to @@====\»:,
,:»\£@#### do what isn't done- ####@£\»:,
,:»\=££@@@ @@@££=\»:,
,,,,»==£@@ to do what isn't done through the thin @@£==»,,,,
,:»\\=££## paper wrapping around the soul. opening ##££=\\»:,
,:»\=£@### ###@£=\»:,
,:»\=£@### get down on your claws. don't raise ###@£=\»:,
,:»\=£@### arms in defense. don't peirce like ###@£=\»:,
,:»\=£@@@# thorns through the paper. #@@@£=\»:,
,:»\=£@@@@ @@@@£=\»:,
,,,,,,:»=@ and then rip it apart @=»:,,,,,,
,:»\=£@### ###@£=\»:,
,:»\=£#### »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» ####£=\»:,
,:»\=£@@## ##@@£=\»:,
,,,::»=@## on the floor of the sea lies the most ##@=»::,,,
,,,,»»\£@@ peculiar sludge creature, with a dreamy @@£\»»,,,,
,:»\=£@### face... they are experiencing pure ###@£=\»:,
,,,»\\\=@@ ecstasy in a self-made reactor meltdown @@=\\\»,,,
,:»\=£@### (underwater society nudges inhabitants ###@£=\»:,
,:»\=£@### into this hole as a way of dodging ###@£=\»:,
,:»\=£@### responsibility) ###@£=\»:,
,:»\=£@### ###@£=\»:,
,:»\=£@### = = ###@£=\»:,
,:»\=£@### =\»:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:»\= ###@£=\»:,
,,,,,»»\£# \ liquid sea dragon \ #£\»»,,,,,
,:»\=£@### » subsuming reagents » ###@£=\»:,
,:»\=££@## : resuming common sense : ##@££=\»:,
,,,,:\=@@# » and harming gentlemen » #@@=\:,,,,
,:»\=£@### \ farming lives and then \ ###@£=\»:,
,:»\=£@### =\»:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:»\= ###@£=\»:,
,:»\=£@### = = ###@£=\»:,
,:»\£@#### ####@£\»:,
,,,,,:»=£# keeping that poison inbetween its many #£=»:,,,,,
,:»\=£@### blue fleshy spikes ###@£=\»:,
,,:»»==@@@ @@@==»»:,,
,:»\=£@### ###@£=\»:,
,:»\=£@### ###@£=\»:,
,:»\£@#### ####@£\»:,
,:»»»\\=@# #@=\\»»»:,