¨¨¨@¨@¨@¨¨ @@¨@@@@¨@¨
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@@¨@@¨¨¨¨@ ¨@¨@@@¨@@¨
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¨@@¨@@@¨¨@ ££@¨¨¨¨¨ ,#, ¨¨¨¨¨@££ ¨¨¨¨@¨@¨@@
@@¨@@¨¨@¨@ silverfinger weed ¨¨¨¨@@@@@¨
@¨@@¨@¨@@@ ££@¨¨¨¨¨ ,#, ¨¨¨¨¨@££ ¨¨¨¨@¨¨¨¨@
¨@@¨@@@@¨¨ @¨¨¨@@¨¨¨@
@@¨@@¨¨¨@¨ this flower has five petals, one for @@¨¨@¨@¨¨@
¨¨@@¨@¨¨@@ each traditional sense (hearing, touch, @¨@¨@@@@¨@
@¨@¨@@@¨@¨ vision, smelling, tasting). @@@@@¨¨¨@@
¨@@@@¨¨@@@ @¨¨¨¨@¨¨@¨
¨@¨¨¨@¨@¨¨ because you can't know which is which, ¨@¨¨¨@@¨@@
@@@¨¨@@@@¨ you mostly eat the whole plant @@@¨¨@¨@@¨
@¨¨@¨@¨¨¨@ and ignore the senses you're not ¨¨¨@¨@@@¨@
¨@¨@@@@¨¨@ interested in. ¨¨¨@@@¨¨@@
@@@@¨¨¨@¨@ ¨¨¨@¨¨@¨@¨
@¨¨¨@¨¨@@@ the flower itself is small and yellow ¨¨¨@@¨@@@@
¨@¨¨@@¨@¨¨ and looks kinda inconsequential. @¨¨@¨@@¨¨¨
¨@@¨@¨@@@¨ however, it has silvery hairs... ¨@¨@@@¨@¨¨
¨@¨@@@@¨¨@ ¨@@@¨¨@@@¨
¨@@@¨¨¨@¨@ @@¨¨@¨@¨¨@
@@¨¨@¨¨@@@ ¨¨@¨@@@@¨@
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@¨@@@¨@@@¨ @¨@¨¨@¨¨@¨