#%*=-..... .....-=*%#
####%*=«-. .-«=*%####
####%*=«-. .-«=*%####
####%*=«-. .-«=*%####
####%*=«-. .-«=*%####
####%*=«-. list of vanished artifacts .-«=*%####
####%*=«-. .-«=*%####
££$¤£=:-,, ¨¨¨¨¨¨,,,,...¨.,,¨,..,¨¨¨¨.,..¨,¨¨,¨,¨,¨ ,,-:=£¤$££
#¤$%=-.,¨¨ ¨¨..,¨¨,,.,,¨,...¨,¨¨,¨,¨.¨¨,...,.¨,.,,. ¨¨,.-=%$¤#
££@#&$/~-. ..¨,, list of vanished artifacts ,.,,, .-~/$@££
£@†*-.¨.,, .,¨,..¨,.,,,,.¨.,,,,¨..,,¨¨¨.,.,¨,.¨,,¨, ,,.¨.-*†@£
##@£¤%\=-, ¨,¨..¨¨,,¨.,.....¨,.,¨,,¨..,¨¨,¨¨,.¨,,¨, ,-=\%¤£@##
###&§=*»^¨ ¨^»*=§##
#@$£*;;~:. ~-»~~-«~~«-==-«-~«-=»=«-«»»»~=~ .:~;;*£$@#
#@#§£*/~., » things i've bought in shops ~ ,.~/*£§#@#
###@§$\~~. »«»»«~~«~«==~-~»=~»===»»~~=-«~» .~~\$§@###
#&$=«:,-.. ..-,:«=$
@@¤*===^,¨ teal tape player with too many buttons ¨,^===*¤@@
@*::»=-^.¨ ¨.^-=»::*@
§=*\^,,,¨. a crate of used ibm floppy disks - a .¨,,,^\*=§
##@@$%†=,, cent for the whole thing ,,=†%$@@##
###@#@*~^, ,^~*@#@###
###§£%;«^¨ brand new floppy disks in aluminum or ¨^«;%£§###
#§£%\=-¨.. clear plastic ..¨-=\%£§#
§^:=\»~=,. .,=~»\=:^§
##¶@$=/»,, ikea/te frekvens microphones ,,»/=$@¶##
¤@=«¨,.¨ ¨.,¨«=@#&¤
#£&&¤%^=,, ny fatcap ,,=^%¤&&£#
###&$$:-~. .~-:$$##
#@**=^..,. multilevel fold-out copper/glass mirror .,..^=**@#
¤§*~.,.,¨¨ (could reflect sunlight even without a ¨¨,.,.~*§¤
#@@#£*;»,, line of sight to the sun) ,,»;*£#@@#
##£§£*/«,¨ ¨,«/*£§£##
####¤†:~,¨ two super long grundig dictaphones in ¨,~:†¤####
##¶@$*/~~. purple/pink gold colours .~~/*$@¶##
££@$*%†=-. .-=†%*$@££
#@@£$*/=-. pebble-sized coins with .-=/*$£@@#
§&£*§-~,,¨ playstation symbols ¨,,~-§*£&§
&†/«=~¨,,. .,,¨~=«/†&
&*%~-:.¨¨¨ collection of two centimeter high amber ¨¨¨.:-~%*&
@£#§&%†«^. figurines of various creatures and .^«†%&§#£@
£%**~.^¨,, characters ,,¨^.~**%£
@¶@£**/~,, ,,~/**£@¶@
#¤§^=-.¨,. .,¨.-=^§¤#
###¤§%^~,. .,~^%§¤###
&*/,:¨¨¨,, =~-«»-=---==«~=«~~~-~-«»»-~ ,,¨¨¨:,/*&
#£@£$$:-,¨ - things i've been gifted » ¨,-:$$£@£#
##£&£%†~-, -««=»««-»»~»«=~«-»~~-»===-~ ,-~†%£&£##
#@£==»¨,., ,.,¨»==£@#
##@£&%\=,, a computer (looked like a gen three ,,=\%&£@##
@¤*†$;:-.¨ imac) filled with blueprints for planes ¨.-:;$†*¤@
##¶&$*/»:, and sleek spaceships ,:»/*$&¶##
##@&%%/«:, ,:«/%%&@##
§£;~¨¨..,¨ six by three cm glittery furry sticker ¨,..¨¨~;£§
@¤#*\*^,¨. (grinning purple wolf on yellow-green .¨,^*\*#¤@
£††~¨,¨,., leaves) ,.,¨,¨~††£
£#%%»¨¨,.. ..,¨¨»%%#£
&%/-=¨¨,¨, tiny metal dragon/horse figurine ,¨,¨¨=-/%&
¶&§=*»..,. .,..»*=§&¶
##@&§*:»,¨ old instant camera with three ¨,»:*§&@##
#@#§$*=»:, dimensional focusing joystick ,:»=*$§#@#
¶@@&£%/~~. .~~/%£&@@¶
##¶£§*:«:. photographs of my teeth and tongue, .:«:*§£¶##
§%^«~»^¨,, taken from inside my mouth ,,¨^»~«^%§
#§#§*==:,¨ ¨,:==*§#§#
##¶§$%†=-, monster truck-sized regular car with a ,-=†%$§¶##
##£^~...,, minimum speed of forty kmh ,,...~^£##
##@§£%^».. ..»^%£§@##
##@¶$=\«~, ,~«\=$¶@##
##§/:\†«., ,.«†\:/§##
@#¤¤%§\»-. «--»»»=«»~~««-=~~~»=~»~ .-»\§%¤¤#@
@&^%\,:.~¨ - stolen/found things = ¨~.:,\%^&@
##¶§%*†~,¨ »--»«»«~»---~«»~»»~-~=- ¨,~†*%§¶##
§@:†//~.., ,..~//†:@§
#@£§$**~,¨ strange and very large flash card ¨,~**$§£@#
###&%%;~.. ..~;%%##
##@#¤§†»,, cassette tape tagged with blue ink ,,»†§¤#@##
##£&§%;~~. .~~;%§&£##
@#@¤¤†;»-, sticker sheet (tiny foxes doing various ,-»;†¤¤@#@
£@#@$=:«:, facial expressions) ,:«:=$@#@£
#@££%^;~-. .-~;^%££@#
#@##&%;-,. lots of toothpick-sized drippy pens .,-;%#@#
¶¤%$\:..., with fluorescent neon ink ,...:\$%¤¶
##@£§=^«~. .~«^=§£@##
#¶$^†,,¨¨, mirror that shows you post-transition ,¨¨,,†^$¶#
#@#@%=\~:, ,:~\=%@#@#
#£$\^¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨^\$£#
@&¤*=/».., ,..»/=*¤&@
##@§£†*«^. .^«*†£§@##
@¤£%$*†--¨ ¨--†*$%£¤@