,,.»\*£§@# #@§£*\».,,
,.»\*£§@## ##@§£*\».,
,,.»\*£§@# #@§£*\».,,
,,,.»\*£§@ @§£*\».,,,
,,.»\*£§@# #@§£*\».,,
,.»\*£§@## *£ *£* £* ##@§£*\».,
,,.»\*£§@# *£*££»», ,»»*££*£* #@§£*\».,,
,,,.»\*£§@ *£ *£ ... ,, magic ,, ... £* £* @§£*\».,,,
,,.»\*£§@# *£*££»», ,»»££*£* #@§£*\».,,
,.»\*£§@## *£ *£* £* ##@§£*\».,
,,.»\*£§@# #@§£*\».,,
,,,.»\*£§@ magic is about being unaccountable, @§£*\».,,,
,,.»\*£§@# about removing the source of the action #@§£*\».,,
,.»\*£§@## from yourself. it works by exploiting a ##@§£*\».,
,,.»\*£§@# kind of gravity, called the #@§£*\».,,
,,,.»\*£§@ arrow of time. @§£*\».,,,
,,.»\*£§@# #@§£*\».,,
,.»\*£§@## things in this universe always seek the ##@§£*\».,
,,.»\*£§@# least energetic state. all potential is #@§£*\».,,
,,,.»\*£§@ gradually lost into lesser forms (such @§£*\».,,,
,,.»\*£§@# as heat). #@§£*\».,,
,.»\*£§@## ##@§£*\».,
,,.»\*£§@# magic then, is creating tunnels, #@§£*\».,,
,,,.»\*£§@ specific and intricate canals, for this @§£*\».,,,
,,.»\*£§@# to happen in a controlled manner. think #@§£*\».,,
,.»\*£§@## of it as setting an elaborate trap for ##@§£*\».,
,,.»\*£§@# entropy. #@§£*\».,,
,,,.»\*£§@ @§£*\».,,,
,,.»\*£§@# and then, when the circuit closes, the #@§£*\».,,
,.»\*£§@## arrow is forced to do your bidding! ##@§£*\».,
,,.»\*£§@# #@§£*\».,,
,,,.»\*£§@ of course, you're also irreversably @§£*\».,,,
,,.»\*£§@# draining time from the universe, but #@§£*\».,,
,.»\*£§@## yeah. ##@§£*\».,
,,.»\*£§@# #@§£*\».,,
,,,.»\*£§@ @§£*\».,,,
,,.»\*£§@# *££ * * ££* #@§£*\».,,
,.»\*£§@## ##@§£*\».,
,,.»\*£§@# #@§£*\».,,
,,,.»\*£§@ the danger is a runaway spell - if the @§£*\».,,,
,,.»\*£§@# filament of your canal is too weak, or #@§£*\».,,
,.»\*£§@## the potential is high enough to escape ##@§£*\».,
,,.»\*£§@# any self-closing mechanisms - a breach. #@§£*\».,,
,,,.»\*£§@ @§£*\».,,,
,,.»\*£§@# these are usually catastrophic. #@§£*\».,,
,.»\*£§@## although many are local, they stay ##@§£*\».,
,,.»\*£§@# active until closed off by counter #@§£*\».,,
,,,.»\*£§@ spells (hard to pull off) or there's no @§£*\».,,,
,,.»\*£§@# more energy to fall through. #@§£*\».,,
,.»\*£§@## ##@§£*\».,
,,.»\*£§@# in that case the outcome depends on the #@§£*\».,,
,,,.»\*£§@ spell. small-scale breaches might not @§£*\».,,,
,,.»\*£§@# even be noticeable by the uninitiated; #@§£*\».,,
,.»\*£§@## but a spell might also very well bring ##@§£*\».,
,,.»\*£§@# about the heat death of the universe. #@§£*\».,,
,,,.»\*£§@ @§£*\».,,,
,,.»\*£§@# #@§£*\».,,
,.»\*£§@## *£* ##@§£*\».,
,,.»\*£§@# #@§£*\».,,
,,,.»\*£§@ @§£*\».,,,
,,.»\*£§@# well. it is what it is. a dying art.. #@§£*\».,,
,.»\*£§@## maybe for the best. ##@§£*\».,
,,.»\*£§@# #@§£*\».,,
,,,.»\*£§@ @§£*\».,,,
,,.»\*£§@# #@§£*\».,,
,.»\*£§@## ##@§£*\».,
,,.»\*£§@# #@§£*\».,,
,,,.»\*£§@ @§£*\».,,,