.-~^%$£@## ##@£$%^~-.
....-^$$@@ @@$$^-....
.-~^%$£@## ##@£$%^~-.
.-~^%£@### ###@£%^~-.
.-~^%$£@## ##@£$%^~-.
.-~^%$£££# name: ??? #£££$%^~-.
.-^%$£@### age: ??? ###@£$%^-.
....-~^%£@ spieces: wolf @£%^~-....
.-~^%$£@## occupation: battery saleswoman ##@£$%^~-.
.-~^%$£@@@ residence: kirugu vargir @@@£$%^~-.
.-~^%$£@## ##@£$%^~-.
..----^$£@ little is known @£$^----..
....---^$@ at this point. @$^---....
.-~^%$£@## ##@£$%^~-.
.-~^%$£@## . .^^$^^. . ##@£$%^~-.
.-~^^^$$£# #£$$^^^~-.
.-~^%$££@# in kirugu, almost everything is battery #@££$%^~-.
.-~^%$£@## powered, thus she goes from village to ##@£$%^~-.
.-~^%$£@## village, selling batteries. maybe ##@£$%^~-.
.-~^%$£@## performs some equipment repair as well. ##@£$%^~-.
.-~~~^$$£# #£$$^~~~-.
....-~~%£# most batteries last at least a season, #£%~~-....
.-~^%$£@## but good ones are restricted (or ##@£$%^~-.
.-~^%$£@## expensive on the black market). there's ##@£$%^~-.
.-~^%$£@## also a need for special voltage stuff, ##@£$%^~-.
.-~^%$£@## and so a good technician/magician might ##@£$%^~-.
...-~~^%$£ find good work. £$%^~~-...
.-~^%$£@## ##@£$%^~-.
.-~^%$£@@# there's something fishy about #@@£$%^~-.
.-~^%$£@## this one, though. ##@£$%^~-.
.-~^^^^^$£ £$^^^^^~-.
.-~^%$££@@ @@££$%^~-.
.-~^%$£### ###£$%^~-.
.-~^^%%$£# #£$%%^^~-.
.....~%£££ £££%~.....
.-~^%$£@## ##@£$%^~-.