¨,,§#§,,@@ ¤,&¨&@§¤.,
,,@¨¨§,@,¨ #@@&.,,§,.
.@¤.¤§#§¨# .,,¤.¨#§,,
&.££,¨,§£# ¨.#@,£.@¨.
@¤,#¨.¤... .¤¨#¤#£¤,§
££§#§¨¨&§, #-«- -~- «~~ --» --~ ~-~ =~» -»~ -=-# @.£¤..£#§@
§&&£@.#.#. ^ page on snake handling. ; &¨.¤¨¤.§#£
#¤££&,§.#, #-~» =~» »=» -~» »~« ~«= ==~ «=- »~=# #,¤@.#.,#£
¤#@¤#.#,&¨ #.¨§¨#¨§¨#
¤¤#@@.&,&¨ the goal is anyway to become lucid #¨§¤¨@¨£,.
¨¤¤@£.§.£, inside the dream (if the dream is a &.¨£¨&¨@.§
.,¤¤¤¨@,£. container) or while the dream takes ¤,£¤.#.&,@
.¤,@¤¨£¨§, place (if it is an event). this is &¨.£.@¨¤.&
,¤.¨¤,@.&. somehow to do with serpents. £,&§,£.¤.£
.¤¨£@,@,£, §¨,£,@¨&.¤
,&¨.#,@¨#. #~~- ~«« ~== ~»~ «~= ~»« ~-» ««~ «=~# #¨£§¨¤¨#,¤
.@,@£,£¨§, † i knew there would be snakes, they ^ §.¨£.#.#.§
.&,,§,@.#, ^ have this particular shape to them, * §¨##.@.@¨£
.¤,#§¨&¨£, / makes them fit into cracks, : ¤¨.§¨@¨@,&
.#,¨@¨£¨#. : into seams. \ §,§@,&.&¨£
.£¨&@,#.¤. / ¨,,»=@~~,,. = ¤..£.@,#¨£
¨&¨,@.#.&, * (since realm-travelness is inversely ; £.£&¨&,¤¨¤
¨@.&¤¨#¨¤¨ : proportional to size; larger animals : &.¨#¨&.&¨£
¨@,.#¨#.#. ^ have to stay put. \ ¤,#£,#¨¤.§
.&,¤§¨#,£¨ / snakes can cheat this by being \ §¨,¤¨¤.#¨#
.£..#,&,&, : almost one-dimensional.) ; &¨#&¨@.¤,@
,§¨#¤.#.#¨ #««~ =~= »~~ -«~ ~~~ ==« =»~ =~~ -»~# #,.§.¤,&¨¤
¨#¨,#.£,§. ¤¨@§.&.#,#
,#.@§.#.¤¨ eitherway. i did not fully understand #¨.£.¤,#¨£
.£.¨§.@,#. which role they would play, or exactly &,§#¨¤,£.@
.¤.&¤¨§.&, ~which« snakes they would be - the £,.§,&.&,¤
¨£.,§¨§.@. nagas! the snake people. §,#&.§,&,&
,@¨£@¨§¨@. #,.§¨§¨§¨§
,@,.&¨#¨&. you will want them to guide you if you §,§#.#¨#,@
,@¨£@.#,&, can. they are excellent nidra guides, £..@¨§.£,#
¨&,¨&.@,£¨ and many will take you on pro bono §¨#¤¨£.£.¤
.¤.§#,£.¤, (i suspect they find amusement in our £.,@.#,@.#
.&,¨&.£¨@. attempts to travel where we are not ¤¨£&¨§.¤.#
,@¨##.@.§, easy to be.) the problem is finding one. £..@¨§.§,¤
,#.,&,£¨&¨ #.&¤,@¨@.§
¨¤,§§.@,#. #~-» =»- ~-« ««» «~~ »~- ~~« »~- =--# &,,§¨§.&.#
.&.¨¤¨&,¤, * don't fret if your meeting does not / §¨¤&,&,§,£
¨§¨£§.@¨&. \ go well - talking to a snake is ^ &,¨§.§.£¨&
.£..&,@,¤¨ / often a recursive matter. you will † ¤.££¨£¨&,§
,@.§@,#,&, ^ meet many times as you fall deeper, † £..§,§,£¨¤
,&¨,§.#.¤¨ † once per stage, the snake taking \ £¨&@,£,@,@
¨£,§£,§¨&¨ ; various forms in succession (stream, ^ ¤,.§,§,§,¤
,¤..&.#,&. / snake, half-snake, queen, stream, ; #.@@¨@,@,¤
,§¨@&,£,¤. \ thunder). you must repeat all : &¨.@.&.§,#
¨¤..&,#¨#. * pleasantries each time as if you've / &¨§@¨#,#,#
,§.&£.#,#, * never before met (although the snake ^ #¨¨¤.§.&¨§
.£¨,&,#,@¨ / may choose to address you as an old ^ ¤,#¤¨¤¨¤.¤
¨£¨&£.¤¨&. = friend, follow their lead if so). ; §.¨£,&,@.¤
,£.¨&¨#,§¨ #»=» »~~ =~~ =-» ~~- «~« «== ~«- ~»«# &.##¨#¨£¨£
¨¤,§¤.£,@, ¤,,@,#¨&,¤
,¤¨.£.&¨£, they have something to do with water, @,§@¨#¨&.&
.£.#§.§.£, some close relation to it. i've yet to @,.@.£.&.#
.@..#.¤,§, uncover what this is. but you might ¤,§¤.§.¤,¤
.#.@£.£¨#¨ have a higher chance of finding one &,,§,¤¨§,§
,&..#,£¨§. close to a river or lake...? §.¤&¨#¨§¨¤
,¤,§¤¨§¨§¨ §,,¤¨@,§¨&
¨§,,&¨§,&, i've also heard them mentioned together #.§@.@,@¨¤
,¤¨¤£.&.§, with caves or "the world beneath the @,¨@¨£.#,&
¨§.¨#.#¨&¨ world". coincidence? you find regular @.@£,§,#.£
,&,&£,@¨&. snakes in regular caves. or - could §¨,§,§,@,§
,&¨,§.#¨#, this be a reference to the dark lake? @.@¤,£.£,£
.£.¨£.#, the holy water in the center of your ¤,.£,§.@.£
.§.,&.§,&¨ chest. guardians? §,¤#.§,£.§
.&¨@£¨&,§, ¤.¨¤.&¨#¨§
,&.,§¨£,¤. @.£¤.@.&.§
.¤.#£,£¨£. §¨¨§¨£.§,§
¨£.,§.£¨§¨ £¨¤&,@¨@,&
¨&.##,§.¤¨ &.¨£,#.#,@