¤&,¨¨¨¨,¤¨ ,##¨,,,,.¤
,£.,¨.,&§@ ¤¨£.¨¨,.&,
§@¨.¨¨£,.. &¨,,.¤¤,
,&.¨.##¨¨, ,¨¤¨,¨§.#§
#§¨,&.&¨., ¨#§..@@¤,&
¨¨¨#¤£¨.§# #«=~ -»- ~~« «»~ -~« ~~« =~- ~== -»-# .&@§@¨..,,
#§¨.&,.,,£ \ page on snake handling. / ,,&&,.&£
#.,¨¨¨§¤¨¨ #=== »~- ~~» «~« «~~ -~» -~- »-» ~~-# ..,..¨¨£@#
¨,@§§.¨.¨§ ££¤£¤#,¨&¤
,¨,¤,,&£¨. the goal is anyway to become lucid &@£#¤,,.,,
¤&,,¨.,¨¨, inside the dream (if the dream is a §#£&¨,&&£&
¤¨¨§&£#¤ container) or while the dream takes §§@.¨.,##¤
,¨,.¤§¤£#¨ place (if it is an event). this is .£.,§§¨.@£
,&§,¨@¤§., somehow to do with serpents. ,,.¨,..,.,
.,.¨,¨£..@ .@&¤£§@#&£
¨#¤@@,.... #==~ »-~ «== «~» ««« ~== »~- »«» »==# .,##§¤@@§¨
¨,#&.,##&, \ i knew there would be snakes, they † ¨,,§£¤§#.,
@,¨,.,,§.¨ / have this particular shape to them, ^ ..#¤#¨,#
¨.§#£@.¨¨. \ makes them fit into cracks, \ ¤¨...&¨,..
£¨.¤@,,@@£ † into seams. / ,,&£.,,@¤&
..,,..,¨§. ; ,.¨»=#=«,., ; £,,¨.@,¨#§
¨¤@#¤,.. † (since realm-travelness is inversely : ,,#¤,¨¨¨¨.
,.&¤§¤¨¨@& ; proportional to size; larger animals / .¨,¨,@£@
.,¨£#,¨¨¨£ † have to stay put. = ££@¤..¤#§,
@§,.,.£¤.. ; snakes can cheat this by being \ ¨§&,¨,.@.,
,.¨§&¨¨,.£ ; almost one-dimensional.) * .,,¨££¨¨,,
£¤.¨,,£#., #«~» -»« -~= -~- »»~ »=- ~== -~~ ~»«# ¨¤¤¨,¨¨&§£
£¨,££.¨¨,# .,¨,£#.,&£
¨,,,¨¨&§¨¨ eitherway. i did not fully understand @&§,,...¨£
.£§££¨.,,, which role they would play, or exactly &@,,§§#¤.,
¨,§&.,&§&& ~which~ snakes they would be - the ¨¨,¨.§&.,¤
¨¨,,¨..@&. nagas! the snake people. ¤¤£@.,,,,.
¤¤@@£#,¨,¨ §¤¤¨¨@§@@#
&§&§£..§¤& you will want them to guide you if you @#....#§£¤
@@@£.,.,@¤ can. they are excellent nidra guides, ¨¨.£¤.¨&@#
§§@¨¨@&¨,§ and many will take you on pro bono ¤§¨.¨¨,.#&
§&¨.,....¨ (i suspect they find amusement in our £¨¨&@§@.¨#
#¨,£#@#@£§ attempts to travel where we are not ¨.,,&&,..¨
.,.,£¤@&££ easy to be.) the problem is finding one. .£¤¨,¨,@¤.
@@&¨.§&£§£ ,¨..§¤,.¨,
¨£,.,¨¤§£¤ #~»« «=» »»- «»» ~»« ~»» »-- ~~~ ~~«# §£#,,,.@§.
..,@§,¨&&. * don't fret if your meeting does not = ##..££¨,.¨
&§,..,,¨.. : go well - talking to a snake is / .¨,.,.¨¤
&.¨£@£¤§¤£ = often a recursive matter. you will \ #¤#&&§,.&£
¨,.¨§¤¤¤#§ † meet many times as you fall deeper, * .¤§£#.,¨¨#
.&@.¨§¤@#& / once per stage, the snake taking = ,¨@&,¨¤¤.,
,.¨..¨£§§# ; various forms in succession (stream, † £¨..¨...,#
,£@&§.¨&¤@ † snake, half-snake, queen, stream, * .¨¤&@¤&£,,
,¨&§¨,¨.¤@ / thunder). you must repeat all ; ..¨@¤#¤,,¤
.¨¨,.#§,,¤ : pleasantries each time as if you've \ &¤..#@,¨¨.
#&....., ^ never before met (although the snake = ..,.¨..§
£,.¤@# \ may choose to address you as an old : &£§£¤¤..£§
##¨.,.@¤@§ † friend, follow their lead if so). : ,£¤@¤,¨¨.&
§,¨#@,.¤#¨ #~~= »~- «-= «~- ~-» »~- -»» ~«« =~«# .,##,.&¤,.
¨.¨..,.¨¨, ¨.,.¨¨¨¨,¨
¤@§&££§§ they have something to do with water, £@§#¤####&
§##&&¤¤@¤§ some close relation to it. i've yet to ¤#£@¤#¤#£§
@###¤@§@¤¤ uncover what this is. but you might ¤¤@£¤#@&&&
§&¤@§£@&£# have a higher chance of finding one #&&&&£££@#
£@@££&@@§@ close to a river or lake...? ¤¤&@£¤§&§§
£@¤¤@¤#§#¤ @##@@&§£
§###§§&£ i've also heard them mentioned together &¤#§£§@§
@#&@¤¤@& with caves or "the world beneath the §¤#£§#&§#§
§@¤#¤§#&&@ world". coincidence? you find regular #¤¤£§§@¤#@
§#&£&@@§¤§ snakes in regular caves. or - could ¤&§@¤¤#¤
§£#@§#@&£@ this be a reference to the dark lake? £&@@§##§§@
#§£££#¤§ the holy water in the center of your &@£&§¤§¤§¤
£¤¤#§&@¤#£ chest. guardians? §#@¤£¤##¤&
¤§¤¤¤£#@¤¤ ##£¤¤&§§§¤
@£§@££@&&§ &§§§¤¤£##&
§£#§&¤#§ ¤#&&¤&§£&§
§§§£¤£@¤&£ £@§@##&@£#
§§#@#££##§ #¤#@§£¤¤§¤