&....&.&.& ..&..&&.&&
.&...&&&&& ..&&.&.&&.
.&&..&.... &.&.&&&&.&
&&.&.&&... .&&&&...&&
..&&&&.&.. &&...&..&.
..&...&&&. A Shell Is Not Only A Thing You Go Into &.&..&&.&&
&.&&..&..& But Also A Thing You Come Out Of, &&&&.&.&&.
&&&.&.&&.& Expanded In My Body As A Turtle, ....&&&&.&
...&&&&.&& But Also As A Hedge Where You May Lure &...&...&&
&..&...&&. Yourself Into One Side, And You May &&..&&..&.
&&.&&..&.& Build Inside, Something, And Then &.&.&.&.&&
..&&.&.&&& Emerge Into Something Else .&&&&&&&&.
..&.&&&&.. &&.......&
&.&&&...&. ..&......&
.&&..&..&& &.&&.....&
&&.&.&&.&. .&&.&....&
..&&&&.&&& &&.&&&...&
&.&...&&.. ..&&..&..&