.......... ......@...
@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@...@@
@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@..@..@
@@@@@@@@@@ @@@.......
.@@@@@@@@. .@..@@@@@.
..@@@@@@.. List Of Vanished Artifacts .....@@@..
@..@@@@... @@@@..@..@
¨..,&&.,#@ .,,,.¨¨¨....¨..,¨.,¨¨,,,,¨.¨,..,,.¨.¨.,, §£@.,¨...¨
££#¨¨,.,,@ .,,,,,¨¨¨.¨,.,.¨¨¨,.,¨...¨,¨.,..,¨,.,¨¨. @&¨,£££¤#§
@&..&&£¤., ¨,,¨, List Of Vanished Artifacts ¨.,,. &¨,..@§&££
§¨¨¨,@&,,¨ ,..,.¨..,..¨¨¨,,,,..¨,,..,,.¨.,..¨¨,.,., ,,¤§¨,¤&£#
,.#&..¨.@§ ..¨,....¨...,.¨,¨.,¨.¨,,¨,.,.¨,.¨,,¨¨,¨, ¤.,,,.,#£§
¨.,.¨@&¨,¨ ,,@¤£&¨,&,
@¤#¤,¨,,¤# »=~~~=»»-»»~=«~»«~~~«=~==~~~««= £,,&§,¨.¨¨
.&§¨¨&&,,. = Things I'Ve Bought In Shops ~ ¨¨¨.,.¤#§¨
¨.¨.,,.,¤£ ~««=~=~»«»»~-~«»=~»«=«-»-~~~~«- §£@¤§..#¨¨
#&&¤§&&¨¨£ ,@##,,,¨¨§
§&¤¤#§¨,¨, Teal Tape Player With Too Many Buttons ¨.£¨.£&&¨,
,§§&@,.&£@ ..¨¨.,£,..
,¨&@¨.,¨£# A Crate Of Used Ibm Floppy Disks - A £¤¤@#,,.§#
¨,¨.¨§#.,. Cent For The Whole Thing .&£&¨¨&¨,,
#@¨,,.&@ ,.#¨¨.,¨££
§@¤¨.¤#¨.£ Brand New Floppy Disks In Aluminum Or £¨.,@@&,.#
#£¨..¨¨.¨, Clear Plastic ..§,.#,,.¨
¨,.£#@§@ ..¨,¨¨,¤£,
¤§.¨£¤@¤@# Ikea/Te Frekvens Microphones §¤¤£#§.¨..
¨¨¨,¨¤&@§§ ¨@@##.¨#&.
@@&@¨¨#& Ny fatcap ,.@¤,,.¨,¨
,#£.,.¨£¤. ¤¨,,¨££§¤.
...,#¤.¨¨, Multilevel Fold-Out Copper/Glass Mirror ¨,§&.,¤&..
§§#.¨¨¨£#, (Could Reflect Sunlight Even Without A ..¨¨.¨..,¤
&@¨.¤#¨.¨. Line Of Sight To The Sun) @@&@¤£¤¤,,
,.¨¨¨¨,@@¤ .#¤£#¤§¨.¨
@@§§@£,.&£ Two Super Long Grundig Dictaphones In ¨.#££#,,@¤
§££§#,..¨. Purple/Pink Gold Colours .,.¨,¨,¤
§§£@.,¤£&¤ #£,...¨,
.#&,..,§ Pebble-Sized Coins With §,¨&¤.,,,.
.,¨.§#,.£§ Playstation Symbols ¨,.¨¨.@&£§
.§£,.,.,.¨ ,&§,¨¤£.
..,,@#&§¤# Collection Of Two Centimeter High Amber ,,§¤.¨,...
#@¤,,£§#§. Figurines Of Various Creatures And §¨,¨,#§&&&
&¤¨...#¤,, Characters ,¨§#¨,@&£&
@¨,¤§....# &.,¨¨,.#£#
.¨.,,,¤§.. .,§#££,.§£
¨§#,,¨,¨ §¨¨§&,.,,¨
.,#§,¨£@¤# ~»=«~~~=»=~~«=~«-»~==~«---~ ¨¨.¨.¨§££#
.,,¨.,,#¤¨ = Things I'Ve Been Gifted ~ #@§§¤,¨@§,
¤#@¤£¤¨,¨, =-««=-«-«~=»~«~«»«~~«~»~»=» @#§¤.,,¨.¨
,¤&&¤¨,£#¨ ¨§§,,¤@§¤.
,.§¤¨¨..., A Computer (Looked Like A Gen Three .,¨¨¨,¤@¨.
#¨,¨¨@¤#&¤ Imac) Filled With Blueprints For Planes ¤&¤@£,¨¨¨@
,¨#¤,.@@£# And Sleek Spaceships £&¨¨§¤.¨
¤,,¨¨.,§@. ¨§&¨¨.,..&
¨.&§§@..,¨ Six By Three Cm Glittery furry sticker ,.,,§¤&&.,
#¨.¤§.¨. (Grinning Purple Wolf On Yellow-Green ,§£,.#§..£
.¨¨...,,¨. Leaves) ,,,,.,¨,¨,
#§§@§#§§ @§£§@#&@@#
§@£#§£#§@@ Tiny Metal Dragon/Horse Figurine £&¤&@#£#¤¤
§@£@@£&£#@ £####£§#£¤
£¤@§&£&&§§ Old Instant Camera With Three ¤£&§¤¤£&
@#&§#§§£¤& Dimensional Focusing Joystick &¤@@£@¤££#
§@¤##¤&§§¤ ¤@##¤¤@§#§
¤¤§&¤§##§¤ Photographs Of My Teeth And Tongue, @¤@@@£§¤¤&
£¤@@&¤¤#£§ Taken From Inside My Mouth @¤¤#§@¤§&@
§@£@¤¤¤# &§&£##&§
@&&&£§¤# Monster Truck-Sized Regular Car With A @£¤§&£
¤¤@##££§ Minimum Speed Of Forty Kmh @@¤§&¤&§#¤
£§¤##&£&@@ §&&@¤#¤¤
@¤£#@&&££# §¤£#@¤@@§¤
@¤@§££¤@&£ ¤@§#¤§§§
@@@#&§£&£@ ««-=~-~««=~»~~~-«~««=«= §¤§##@@&§¤
§§¤¤§£¤@#¤ - Stolen/Found Things « &§§@¤#@§§#
&§@§§¤ =»==««~~-=~«=~«~~=«»«-- §¤#@§&¤&
£§@#@@§@@# #@@¤##§##&
§¤##@#¤£#§ Strange And Very Large Flash Card ¤#£#£##¤#&
£¤#§@#@@£¤ §#¤§@£@#§#
£@@@£#¤££# Cassette Tape Tagged With Blue Ink ¤#@&£§&@
§###&&@£#@ &@£#¤§£&§§
¤§££§§¤§§£ Sticker Sheet (Tiny Foxes Doing Various §#@¤¤¤£§££
##§&£#£&@§ Facial Expressions) #§#&@&£#
&¤£§££¤££@ ¤&££@£§¤¤¤
§@¤£&@&¤&@ Lots Of Toothpick-Sized Drippy Pens @&@£¤#¤@£@
¤§§@§##¤## With Fluorescent Neon Ink #£#£¤#¤¤
§@@§&@¤@§£ ¤££&&@#¤
££#¤#£¤&@# Mirror That Shows You Post-Transition £#&@@@§£@#
¤@@@&£#§§@ §##@&¤§¤&&
&§@¤££¤&&§ #££@¤@§£££
@¤¤£#¤&@#@ ¤§#££¤££§£
&§&§§@#£@£ &¤@&¤§#¤##
£¤¤@§§@£&@ #&#@§£&£