..££.££.££ £........£
£.£.££.££. ££.......£
.££££.££.£ ..£......£
££...££.££ ..££.....£
..£..£.££. £.£.£....£
£.££.£££.£ a cool enough sony walkman called .£££££...£
.££.££..££ ££....£..£
££.££.£.£. # # # £.£...££.£
..££.£££££ ### tcm onefifty ### ££££..£.££
£.£.££.... # # # £...£.£££.
£££££.£... ££..£££..£
.....£££.. it's battery powered (two aa batteries) £.£.£..£.£
£....£..£. and has a microphone. it does feature a ££££££.£££
.£...££.££ speed hole but it's hidden beneath its £.....££..
.££..£.££. shell. ££....£.£.
.£.£.£££.£ £.£...££££
££££££..££ a cool thing is the speaker on the .£££..£...
£.....£.£. front. but isn't that a magnet close to .£..£.££..
££....££££ the tape? yes £££.£££.£.
£.£...£... ...££..£££
.£££..££.. ## is it good ## £..£.£.£..
.£..£.£.£. .£.££££££.
.££.££££££ well. it has some very real compression .£££.....£
££.££..... going on so close vox and other high ££..£....£
..££.£.... volume things are very crisp and with ..£.££...£
£.£.£££... kind of low noise. but when there's ..£££.£..£
.££££..£.. more of an ambience, all you hear is ..£..£££.£
££...£.££. hiss and motor noise. ..££.£..££
..£..£££.£ ..£.£££.£.
..££.£..££ denoising techniques are simple. actual ..£££..£££
£.£.£££.£. denoising for the noise, and maybe an ..£..£.£..
£££££..£££ eq for the motor. £.££.££££.
£....£.£.. .££.££...£
.£...££££. ## what is it for ## ££.££.£..£
£££..£...£ £.££.£££.£
...£.££..£ i use it for talking to when i'm drunk. £££.££..££
£..£££.£.£ it does this very good. the pause ...££.£.£.
££.£..££££ button is a small stop, the stop button ...£.£££££
..£££.£... is a major stop. ...£££....
..£..£££.. £..£..£...
..££.£..£. ## some quirks ## ££.££.££..
..£.£££.££ £.££.££.£.
..£££..££. when unpausing, recording begins before £££.££.£££
£.£..£.£.£ the engine is fully spun up, resulting £..££.££..
££££.£££££ in a nice swoop being recorded. .£.£.££.£.
£...££.... .£££££.£££
.£..£.£... it made me buy a vhs cam ££....££..
.££.££££.. £.£...£.£.
.£.££...£. ££££..££££
££££.£..££ # # # £...£.£...
£...£££.£. ££..££££..
££..£..£££ rest in pieces, literally £.£.£...£.
£.£.££.£.. .£££££..££
.££££.£££. ^ may twenty fifteen ^ .£....£.£.
.£...££..£ . to . .££...££££
£££..£.£.£ - july twenty eighteen - .£.£..£...
£..£.£££££ .££££.££..
££.£££.... superseded by the tcm twenty ££...££.£.
£.££..£... £.£..£.£££
.££.£.££.. .£££.£££..
.£.££££.£. ££..££..£.
.£££...£££ £.£.£.£.££
££..£..£.. .££££££££.