§§¨§¨§¨¨§§ ¨¨¨§§§¨§§¨
§¨§§§§§¨§¨ §¨¨§¨¨§§¨§
¨§§¨¨¨¨§§§ §§¨§§¨§¨§§
§§¨§¨¨¨§¨¨ ¨¨§§¨§§§§¨
§¨§§§¨¨§§¨ ¨¨§¨§§¨¨¨§
¨§§¨¨§¨§¨§ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ §¨§§§¨§¨¨§
§§¨§¨§§§§§ ¨ &&\\&& ¨ ¨ &&\\&& ¨ ¨§§¨¨§§§¨§
¨¨§§§§¨¨¨¨ ¨ &&~~§§~~&& ¨ the ¨ &&~~§§~~&& ¨ §§¨§¨§¨¨§§
§¨§¨¨¨§¨¨¨ \~~§§##§§~~\ & & \~~§§##§§~~\ ¨¨§§§§§¨§¨
§§§§¨¨§§¨¨ ¨ &&~~§§~~&& ¨&& shower &&¨ &&~~§§~~&& ¨ ¨¨§¨¨¨¨§§§
¨¨¨¨§¨§¨§¨ &¨ &&\\&& ¨&& &&¨ &&\\&& ¨& §¨§§¨¨¨§¨¨
¨¨¨¨§§§§§§ # ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ # ¨§§¨§¨¨§§¨
¨¨¨¨§¨¨¨¨¨ & deep below & §§¨§§§¨§¨§
§¨¨¨§§¨¨¨¨ ground level, several elevators down, ¨¨§§¨¨§§§§
¨§¨¨§¨§¨¨¨ in the dark water where the surface §¨§¨§¨§¨¨¨
¨§§¨§§§§¨¨ light doesn't reach, and warmth comes ¨§§§§§§§¨¨
¨§¨§§¨¨¨§¨ mostly from below - here is the shower. §§¨¨¨¨¨¨§¨
¨§§§¨§¨¨§§ ¨¨§¨¨¨¨¨§§
§§¨¨§§§¨§¨ it is dark. you strip, and it's cold. ¨¨§§¨¨¨¨§¨
§¨§¨§¨¨§§§ your feet feel the cold stone floor, ¨¨§¨§¨¨¨§§
¨§§§§§¨§¨¨ your hands find the rubber handles to ¨¨§§§§¨¨§¨
¨§¨¨¨¨§§§¨ guide you into the cabin. §¨§¨¨¨§¨§§
§§§¨¨¨§¨¨§ §§§§¨¨§§§¨
§¨¨§¨¨§§¨§ and then, the hot water, the ¨¨¨¨§¨§¨¨§
¨§¨§§¨§¨§§ underground rain. drenching you, §¨¨¨§§§§¨§
§§§§¨§§§§¨ lathering you. infused with oils and ¨§¨¨§¨¨¨§§
¨¨¨¨§§¨¨¨§ scents. and then, also from above, the §§§¨§§¨¨§¨
¨¨¨¨§¨§¨¨§ shower creatures. first their black §¨¨§§¨§¨§§
§¨¨¨§§§§¨§ velvet arms, touching, and then entire §§¨§¨§§§§¨
§§¨¨§¨¨¨§§ bodies. chests and snouts. ¨¨§§§§¨¨¨§
¨¨§¨§§¨¨§¨ ¨¨§¨¨¨§¨¨§
§¨§§§¨§¨§§ the creatures are meant to comfort you, ¨¨§§¨¨§§¨§
¨§§¨¨§§§§¨ keep you entranced, and keep you from ¨¨§¨§¨§¨§§
§§¨§¨§¨¨¨§ leaving the cabin prematurely. this ¨¨§§§§§§§¨
§¨§§§§§¨¨§ whole ordeal works best if you are not ¨¨§¨¨¨¨¨¨§
¨§§¨¨¨¨§¨§ transformed too early, and are instead ¨¨§§¨¨¨¨¨§
§§¨§¨¨¨§§§ allowed to enjoy the shower for a while. ¨¨§¨§¨¨¨¨§
¨¨§§§¨¨§¨¨ §¨§§§§¨¨¨§
§¨§¨¨§¨§§¨ you are steamed, caressed, cleaned, ¨§§¨¨¨§¨¨§
¨§§§¨§§§¨§ modified, liquified; dissolved and §§¨§¨¨§§¨§
§§¨¨§§¨¨§§ drained... and then brought back, §¨§§§¨§¨§§
¨¨§¨§¨§¨§¨ slowly, waking as the water dries off ¨§§¨¨§§§§¨
¨¨§§§§§§§§ of you. cabin open to the cold air §§¨§¨§¨¨¨§
§¨§¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ tickling your fresh-born mind. creature ¨¨§§§§§¨¨§
¨§§§¨¨¨¨¨¨ hands gone, you step out. §¨§¨¨¨¨§¨§
§§¨¨§¨¨¨¨¨ ¨§§§¨¨¨§§§
¨¨§¨§§¨¨¨¨ later, elevator back up. new body. §§¨¨§¨¨§¨¨
¨¨§§§¨§¨¨¨ ¨¨§¨§§¨§§¨
¨¨§¨¨§§§¨¨ §¨§§§¨§§¨§
§¨§§¨§¨¨§¨ ¨§§¨¨§§¨§§
¨§§¨§§§¨§§ §§¨§¨§¨§§¨
¨§¨§§¨¨§§¨ ¨¨§§§§§§¨§