....~^^*££ ££*^^~....
....~^^* #&*^^~....
..~/^*&£## ##£&*^/~..
..~/^*&£## ##£&*^/~..
..~/^*&£## ##£&*^/~..
..../^** ^^^^^^^^^ #&**^/....
......~^&& ^^ ^^ &&^~......
..~/^*&££# ^^ plus ^^ #££&*^/~..
....~~^&£# ^ minus ^ #£&^~~....
..~/^*&£## ^ zero ^ ##£&*^/~..
......~^&£ . . £&^~......
...~/^***& .. mirror note .. &***^/~...
..~///^^*£ ............. £*^^///~..
..../^^^&£ £&^^^/....
....~/**££ at an opportunity, a moment such as this ££**/~....
..~/^*&£## underappreciated, underestimated, under ##£&*^/~..
....~^***& there is simply no time to choose what &***^~....
......//*£ £*//......
....../*&£ everything is in through the left half £&*/......
..~/^*&£## of my face, and out exactly opposite ##£&*^/~..
..~/^*&£## ...through the right half... of the ##£&*^/~..
....~/^*&& face &&*^/~....
..~/^*&£## plus minus zero but polar opposites! ##£&*^/~..
.....~^*&& &&*^~.....
...~~~/**£ #..# #.# # £**/~~~...
....../^*£ and £*^/......
..~/^*&£## the echo is travelling with every ##£&*^/~..
..~/^*## beat, maybe one hundred and thirty ###&*^/~..
..~/^*&£## milliseconds, to two hundred and ##£&*^/~..
..~/^*&£## #.# eighty milliseconds, and down, ##£&*^/~..
...~//**&£ along my dreads, maybe like £&**//~...
..~~/^*&££ a cap to the left and up four hundred ££&*^/~~..
..~~~^^^&£ to the right £&^^^~~~..
..~/^*&£## ##£&*^/~..
.....//*&£ about ~magnetism~ or ~what~ ~else~ £&*//.....
..~/^*&£## ##£&*^/~..
..~/^*&£## distortion and heavy glass and palm ##£&*^/~..
..~/^*&£## trees ##£&*^/~..
.....~~^^& &^^~~.....
..~/^*&£## ##£&*^/~..
...../** #&**/.....
..~/^*&£## my ##£&*^/~..
..~/^*&£## i have music that lives into weirder ##£&*^/~..
..~/^&£### corridors, my flesh is pushing ###£&^/~..
..~~/^^^^& my &^^^^/~~..
....~/**&& body further inside &&**/~....
..~/^*&£## ##£&*^/~..
....~^*&&& &&&*^~....
......~~^& &^~~......
..~/^*&£## ##£&*^/~..
..~/^*&£## there is too much moving inside ##£&*^/~..
..~/^*&£££ £££&*^/~..
..~/^*£### ###£*^/~..
..~/^*&& weird revolvings, how much madness, #&&&*^/~..
....~//**£ weird about how much madness that's £**//~....
.....//**£ ia . £revolved about to be revolve £**//.....
.....~~^&£ £&^~~.....
......~^*& &*^~......
..~/^*&£## ##£&*^/~..
..~/^*&£## ##£&*^/~..
..~/^*&£## and i, the surgeon, choose the ##£&*^/~..
....~~^**£ frying pan £**^~~....
.....//**& whatever dog i want ................. &**//.....
..~/^*&£## and my speed is everything. the last ##£&*^/~..
../^*&£### ###£&*^/..
......~^*& radar station... for a while... &*^~......
..~/^*&£## ##£&*^/~..
..~/^*&&&& &&&&*^/~..
..~/^&£### ###£&^/~..
...~~/**££ ££**/~~...
......~/*£ £*/~......
..~/^*&£## ##£&*^/~..