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¨^«†§¤¤£@# #@£¤¤§†«^¨
¨^«†§¤¤£@# †««««««««««««««««««† #@£¤¤§†«^¨
¨¨¨«†§§¤¤¤ ««« chip music thing ««« ¤¤¤§§†«¨¨¨
¨^«†§¤¤£@# † †««««««««««««««««««† † #@£¤¤§†«^¨
¨^«†§§§¤¤@ † † @¤¤§§§†«^¨
¨^^«††§¤¤£ † nintendo game boy † £¤¤§††«^^¨
¨^«†§¤¤£@# † † #@£¤¤§†«^¨
^«†§¤¤£@## † †«««««««««† † ##@£¤¤§†«^
¨^«†§¤¤£@# «««««««« dmg one ««««««« #@£¤¤§†«^¨
¨^«†§¤¤£## †«««««««««† ##£¤¤§†«^¨
¨¨¨¨^†††¤¤ ¤¤†††^¨¨¨¨
¨¨¨¨¨^†¤££ dreamy little box from nineteen eighty ££¤†^¨¨¨¨¨
¨^«†§¤¤£@@ nine, shipped here from japan and @@£¤¤§†«^¨
¨^«†§¤¤£@# forgotten in the garage, given #@£¤¤§†«^¨
^«†§¤¤£@## harnesses and reins by kotlinski et al ##@£¤¤§†«^
¨¨¨^^^«§§¤ ¤§§«^^^¨¨¨
¨^«†§¤¤£@# it's about opening the pandoras box of #@£¤¤§†«^¨
¨^«««§§§¤£ chiptunes, making it avaliable to those £¤§§§«««^¨
¨^«†§¤¤¤£@ with a garage and an older sibling, or @£¤¤¤§†«^¨
¨¨¨¨^«†¤¤@ knew where to temporarily get hold of @¤¤†«^¨¨¨¨
¨¨¨¨«†§¤¤@ such things @¤¤§†«¨¨¨¨
¨^«†§¤¤£@# #@£¤¤§†«^¨
¨^«†§¤¤¤¤£ with two sirens, one shapeshifter and £¤¤¤¤§†«^¨
¨^«†§¤¤¤¤£ one cat's hiss, it's a cunning ensemble £¤¤¤¤§†«^¨
¨^«†§¤¤£## you can mold into images of flowers and ##£¤¤§†«^¨
¨^«†§¤¤£@# mountains alike, capable of being both #@£¤¤§†«^¨
¨^«†§¤¤¤££ cute and viscious. ££¤¤¤§†«^¨
¨^«†§¤¤@## ##@¤¤§†«^¨
¨¨¨¨«§¤¤¤@ †«««««««««† @¤¤¤§«¨¨¨¨
¨^«†§¤¤£@# #@£¤¤§†«^¨
¨^«†§¤£@## it's capable of taking you to weird ##@£¤§†«^¨
¨^«†§¤¤£@@ places, and it will be a great power to @@£¤¤§†«^¨
¨^«†§¤£@## you. but there are others who might ##@£¤§†«^¨
¨^««««§§¤£ urge you or nudge you into doing their £¤§§««««^¨
¨^«†§¤¤£££ bidding. you must look into your own £££¤¤§†«^¨
¨^«†§¤¤£££ heart, and only have the gameboy sing £££¤¤§†«^¨
¨^^^^^†¤¤@ the sounds of your own secret @¤¤†^^^^^¨
¨^«†§¤¤£@# destination. #@£¤¤§†«^¨
¨¨¨¨¨«†§¤@ @¤§†«¨¨¨¨¨
¨^^^«§§§¤£ £¤§§§«^^^¨
¨^«†§¤¤@## ##@¤¤§†«^¨
¨^«†§¤¤¤¤£ £¤¤¤¤§†«^¨
¨^«†§¤¤£@# #@£¤¤§†«^¨