£==/=,,,,, ,,,,,=/==£
##@£$=/=~, ,~=/=$£@##
£===~,,,,, ,,,,,~===£
##@£$=/=~, ,~=/=$£@##
##@£$=/=~, ,~=/=$£@##
@£$====,,, ###/= =/### ,,,====$£@
£==//=~,,, =//####//= =//####//= ,,,~=//==£
£===~,,,,, == =/######/= == ,,,,,~===£
###@$=/=~, === == == === ,~=/=$@###
##@£$=/=~, ==== ==== ,~=/=$£@##
##@£$=/=~, === street lights... === ,~=/=$£@##
##@£$=/=~, ==== for some reason, ==== ,~=/=$£@##
£££=/~~,,, == the street lights always have a == ,,,~~/=£££
£$$==/=,,, particular pattern. it starts with a ,,,=/==$$£
##@£$=/=~, row of white lights, then it's joined ,~=/=$£@##
££=/=,,,,, by a red row, then the blue ones, and ,,,,,=/=££
##@£$=/=~, so on. and then, there's a second row, ,~=/=$£@##
£=//~,,,,, almost mirroring the first. ,,,,,~//=£
###@£$=/~, ,~/=$£@###
#£££$=/=~, i've been counting how many of each ,~=/=$£££#
@$/~,,,,,, shape there is. ,,,,,,~/$@
£=/====~,, i think it's a kind of angel language. ,,~====/=£
##@£$=/=~, angel bodies made of light, running ,~=/=$£@##
@@$/~,,,,, along the streets even at night. ,,,,,~/$@@
##@£$=/=~, ,~=/=$£@##
#£===,,,,, ==== ,,,,,===£#
###£$=/=~, ==== ==== ,~=/=$£###
##@£$=/=~, === === ,~=/=$£@##
###@£$=/=~ ==== ==== ~=/=$£@###
@£$$$=/=~, === === ,~=/=$$$£@
##@£$=/=~, ==== ==== ,~=/=$£@##
#@£=//=,,, ,,,=//=£@#
##@£$=/=~, like they're looking for something. ,~=/=$£@##
£$==//~,,, ,,,~//==$£
##@£$=/=~, ,~=/=$£@##
#£=/~,,,,, ,,,,,~/=£#
@££==,,,,, ,,,,,==££@
@$=/===,,, ,,,===/=$@