£,,,£,££,, ,£,£,,£££,
££,,£££,£, £££££,£,,£
,,£,£,,£££ £,,,,£££,£
£,££££,£,, ££,,,£,,££
,££,,,£££, £,£,,££,£,
,£,£,,£,,£ \\ ,£££,£,£££
£££££,££,£ \\\\ ,£,,££££,,
£,,,,££,££ \\\\ ,££,£,,,£,
££,,,£,££, maybe i'm born with it! \\\\ ££,£££,,££
,,£,,£££,£ maybe it's cat piss! \\\\ £,££,,£,£,
,,££,£,,££ \\\\ ,££,£,££££
£,£,£££,£, \\\\ ££,££££,,,
£££££,,£££ \\\\ ,,££,,,£,,
£,,,,£,£,, \\\\ ,,£,£,,££,
££,,,££££, ££££££££££££ £,££££,£,£
,,£,,£,,,£ £ paratise £ ,££,,,££££
£,££,££,,£ £ paraside £ ££,£,,£,,,
£££,££,£,£ £ paracide £ ,,£££,££,,
£,,££,££££ \\££££££££££££ £,£,,££,£,
££,£,££,,, \\\\ ,£££,£,£££
,,££££,£,, \\\\ fear of ai is the truth ,£,,££££,,
,,£,,,£££, \\\\ leaking in but still colored ,££,£,,,£,
,,££,,£,,£ \\\\ by the simulation. in reality ££,£££,,££
£,£,£,££,£ \\\\ the mycelial network has ,,££,,£,£,
£££££££,££ \\\\ overtaken earth and put us under. ,,£,£,££££
,,,,,,,££, \\ it's p. much the matrix ,,£££££,,,
,,,,,,,£,£ ,,£,,,,£,,
,,,,,,,£££ this is why the collective subconscious ,,££,,,££,
,,,,,,,£,, works. similarly, history is always £,£,£,,£,£
£,,,,,,££, defined by what we think it is. ££££££,£££
,£,,,,,£,£ £,,,,,££,,
,££,,,,£££ battle between fungal species? are we ££,,,,£,£,
,£,£,,,£,, too powerful and will create the £,£,,,££££
£££££,,££, mushroom again,~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ inside? ,£££,,£,,,
£,,,,£,£,£ ££,,£,££,,
££,,,£££££ dreams are of the network. "gateway to £,£,£££,£,
£,£,,£,,,, old earth". maybe outer/inner earth. ,££££,,£££
,£££,££,,, ,£,,,£,£,,
,£,,££,£,, in this reality there are only two ,££,,££££,
,££,£,£££, materials: "plastic" and "fruit" ,£,£,£,,,£
££,££££,,£ ~ (bassically inorganic and ~ £££££££,,£
,,££,,,£,£ ~ ~ organic materials) ~ ~ £,,,,,,£,£
£,£,£,,£££ ,£,,,,,£££
,£££££,£,, i'd pay in blood to thin out the border £££,,,,£,,
,£,,,,£££, between dream and reality. between ,,,£,,,££,
,££,,,£,,£ dream and dream. last one told me that ,,,££,,£,£
££,£,,££,£ work was caging me in a damp and oily ,,,£,£,£££
,,£££,£,££ basement jail cell. ~ ~ ~ ~~ ,,,£££££,,
,,£,,££££, £,,£,,,,£,
,,££,£,,,£ they brainwash me at work by having my ,£,££,,,££
£,£,£££,,£ password be bad for my fingers, makes ,£££,£,,£,
£££££,,£,£ me physically ill to type it, and then ££,,£££,££
,,,,,£,£££ they reject fourty percent of my login £,£,£,,££,
,,,,,£££,, attempts to have me type it more, ,£££££,£,£
£,,,,£,,£, ,£,,,,££££
,£,,,££,££ i call an emergency hotline: "we can't ,££,,,£,,,
,££,,£,££, tell you what's wrong with you. your ,£,£,,££,,
,£,£,£££,£ story is your own, nobody elses." ,££££,£,£,
,£££££,,££ ,£,,,£££££
££,,,,£,£, £££,,£,,,,
£,£,,,££££ ,,,£,££,,,
££££,,£,,, £,,£££,£,,
£,,,£,££,, ,£,£,,£££,