£££.££££££ £..£...££.
..££.....£ £.££..£.££
.£.£....£. ££.£.£££.£
££££...££. .££££..£££
...£..£.££ £...£.£...
..££.£££.. something's inside of me and i know £..££££...
.£.££..£.. this because of how nice it feels £.£...£...
£££.£.££.. £££..££...
..££££.£.. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ..£.£.£..£
.£...£££.. .££££££.££
££..£..£.£ there are brown spots on my hands. they £.....££.£
.£.££.£££. are moving, growing, disappearing, £....£.££.
£££.££..££ appearing again. this is almost erotic. £...£££.£.
..££.£.£.£ £..£..££££
.£.£££££££ there is a spy in my eyes, installed to £.££.£...£
£££......£ identify these spots and to give me an ££.£££..££
..£.....££ appropriate reaction (positive). .££..£.£..
.££....£.. £.£.££££..
£.£...££.£ when i gather all my willpower, and set ££££...£..
£££..£.££. it ablaze all at once, the most ...£..££.£
..£.£££.£. resistance i can muster is indifference. ..££.£.££.
.£££..£££. .£.££££.£.
£..£.£..£. £££...£££.
£.££££.£££ ..£..£..££
££...££..£ .££.££.£..
.£..£.£.££ £.££.£££.£