@@@¤==~~.. ..~~==¤@@@
#@@@¤==~~. .~~==¤@@@#
@@@¤==~~.. ..~~==¤@@@
@@¤==~~... ...~~==¤@@
@¤==~~.... ....~~==¤@
¤==~~..... #@@==================@@# .....~~==¤
==~~...... ##.@¤ Whats A Book ¤@.## ......~~==
=~~....... #@@==================@@# .......~~=
~~........ ........~~
~......... Uwu .........~
.......... ..........
~......... = Its When = .........~
~~........ You Collect All That You Know On Sheets ........~~
=~~....... Of Paper And Put It Inside A Protective .......~~=
==~~...... Shell! ......~~==
¤==~~..... .....~~==¤
@¤==~~.... You Can Also Include Things You Dont ....~~==¤@
@@¤==~~... Know Or Things You Dream About. ...~~==¤@@
@@@¤==~~.. ..~~==¤@@@
#@@@¤==~~. ~ .~~==¤@@@#
@@@¤==~~.. ..~~==¤@@@
@@¤==~~... You Can Transfer Worlds If You Keep At ...~~==¤@@
@¤==~~.... It - The Book Is A Vessel As Well ....~~==¤@
¤==~~..... .....~~==¤
==~~...... ~~~ ¤ ~~~ ......~~==
=~~....... .......~~=
~~........ Here Are My Fave Ones! ........~~
~......... .........~
.......... One ¤ Jonathan Strange And Mr Norrell ..........
~......... .........~
~~........ Two ¤ Twothousand Threehundred Twelve ........~~
=~~....... .......~~=
==~~...... Three ¤ Pretty Monsters ......~~==
¤==~~..... .....~~==¤
@¤==~~.... Four ¤ Mistborn ....~~==¤@
@@¤==~~... ...~~==¤@@
@@@¤==~~.. Five ¤ The Long Earth ..~~==¤@@@
#@@@¤==~~. .~~==¤@@@#
@@@¤==~~.. ~~~ ¤ ~~~ ..~~==¤@@@
@@¤==~~... ...~~==¤@@
@¤==~~.... To Look In A Book And Imagining What It ....~~==¤@
¤==~~..... Means Is Called Reading! .....~~==¤
==~~...... ......~~==
=~~....... .......~~=
~~........ ........~~
~......... .........~
.......... ..........
~......... .........~