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,£,,,£,,£, £,,,£££,,,
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,,,£,,,£,, ,££,,,£££,
,,,,£,,,£, slightly before the night turns just ,£££,,£,££
£,,,,£,,,£ the slightest blue this bird friend ,£,££,,,££
££,,,,£,,, starts to sing ,,,£££,,£,
£££,,,,£,, £,,£,££,,,
£,££,,,,£, and she sings the most beautiful song! ££,,,£££,,
,,£££,,,,£ £££,,£,££,
,,£,££,,,, it says that things will be allright... £,££,,,£££
£,,,£££,,, that the universe is watching after all. ,,£££,,£,£
££,,£,££,, ,,£,££,,,£
,££,,,£££, ,, ,,,,£££,,£
,£££,,£,££ £,,,£,££,,
,£,££,,,££ if your soul is caged in, this song ,£,,,,£££,
,,,£££,,£, could be a remedy, in the right place ,,£,,,£,££
£,,£,££,,, and time it may be an almost cathartic £,,£,,,,££
££,,,£££,, force, ££,,£,,,£,
£££,,£,££, £££,,£,,,,
£,££,,,£££ ,, £,££,,£,,,
,,£££,,£,£ ,,£££,,£,,
,,£,££,,,£ also its a nice bird to watch because ,,£,££,,£,
,,,,£££,,£ its kind of cute when it does the jumps! £,,,£££,,£
£,,,£,££,, ,£,,£,££,,
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