..::»==*¤# #¤*==»::..
...:»»=**¤ ¤**=»»:...
.:»=***¤¤# #¤¤***=»:.
....:»=*¤# #¤*=»:....
.:»=*$¤### ###¤$*=»:.
...::»==$# day . dream . daydream #$==»::...
.:»=*$¤### ... ... ###¤$*=»:.
.:»=*$¤### .... ....... ......... ###¤$*=»:.
...:»»*$¤¤ ¤¤$*»»:...
.:»=*¤#### .$ we are trying to figure out when $. ####¤*=»:.
....:=*$## .$ the day is, really, because there $. ##$*=:....
.:»=*$¤### .$ are conflicting views on this $. ###¤$*=»:.
.:»=****¤¤ ¤¤****=»:.
.:»=*$¤### ........ ....... . ..... ###¤$*=»:.
.:»=*$¤### .... ... .. ###¤$*=»:.
:»=*$¤#### ####¤$*=»:
......:=$¤ old school thinkers and worshippers ¤$=:......
.:»=*$$$## will say that the day starts when the ##$$$*=»:.
.:»=*$¤### sun rises, because, you know, thats ###¤$*=»:.
.:»=*¤#### true isn't it ####¤*=»:.
....:»»=*¤ ¤*=»»:....
.:»=*$¤### boring people will say that the day ###¤$*=»:.
.:»=*¤#### starts at eight and ends at five... ####¤*=»:.
.:»=*$¤### don't believe them ###¤$*=»:.
.....»=*¤# #¤*=».....
.:»=***¤¤# new school neuroatypical beings might #¤¤***=»:.
....»=$¤## argue that the day starts when you wake ##¤$=»....
.:»=*$¤### up. ###¤$*=»:.
.:»*$¤#### ####¤$*»:.
......»*$# : #$*»......
.:»=*$#### ####$*=»:.
....:»**¤# these are probably different concepts #¤**»:....
.:»=*$¤### but the confusion is neat ###¤$*=»:.
.....:=**¤ ¤**=:.....
......»»*¤ i mean you can be awake at night? ¤*»»......
.:»=*$¤### ###¤$*=»:.
.:»»»»»*¤¤ maybe it's only a day when you are ¤¤*»»»»»:.
....:===*¤ awake to experience it, and then only ¤*===:....
:»=*$¤#### if the sun is up ####¤$*=»:
.:»»»=*¤## ##¤*=»»»:.
.:»=*$¤### what if its cloudy? ###¤$*=»:.
.:»=*$¤### ###¤$*=»:.
.:»=*$¤¤¤# #¤¤¤$*=»:.
.:»»»**¤¤# #¤¤**»»»:.
.:»=*$¤### ###¤$*=»:.
.:»=*$¤¤¤# #¤¤¤$*=»:.
.:»=*$¤### ###¤$*=»:.