£§¤¤%%*=~. .~=*%%¤¤§£
#££§¤%*=~. .~=*%¤§££#
§§¤¤%*~~.. ..~~*%¤¤§§
#££§¤%*=~. .~=*%¤§££#
§¤**====~. .~====**¤§
£¤¤¤¤%*=~. % .~=*%¤¤¤¤£
££¤%%%*=~. tcm % twenty .~=*%%%¤££
##£§¤%*=~. % .~=*%¤§£##
#£§%*~.... ....~*%§£#
£££§¤%*=~. .................. .~=*%¤§£££
###§¤%*=~. .~=*%¤§###
###£§%*=~. portable tape machine walkman style, .~=*%§£###
###£§¤%*=~ with recording, usually drunk or so, ~=*%¤§£###
§§¤%%%*=~. creating the tape canon .~=*%%%¤§§
##£§¤%*=~. .~=*%¤§£##
###£§%*=~. as such, the eraser head should be .~=*%§£###
£§¤*===~.. removed. ..~===*¤§£
§%*~...... ......~*%§
##£§¤%*=~. .................. .~=*%¤§£##
§§%%=..... .....=%%§§
##£§¤%*=~. it's taking the place of the .~=*%¤§£##
###£¤%*=~. tcm onefifty, may they rest in peace, .~=*%¤£###
§¤**=~~... sporting additional features: ...~~=**¤§
££§%=..... .....=%§££
###§¤%*=~. tempo knob - an external speed hole .~=*%¤§###
#££§¤%*=~. .~=*%¤§££#
§¤%*~~~... half speed switch - great for lofi ...~~~*%¤§
£££§¤%*=~. .~=*%¤§£££
##£§¤%*=~. microphone input - for certain mics only .~=*%¤§£##
###£§¤%*=~ ~=*%¤§£###
##£§¤%*=~. voice only recording - a weird gate .~=*%¤§£##
##£§¤%*=~. .~=*%¤§£##
##£§¤%*=~. .................. .~=*%¤§£##
###§¤%*=~. .~=*%¤§###
##£§¤%*=~. more info as i get used to it. .~=*%¤§£##
#§¤*=~.... stay tuned... ....~=*¤§#
£¤*=~..... .....~=*¤£
##£§¤%*=~. ***~~~..~~~*** .~=*%¤§£##
££§%%==~.. more info time ..~==%%§££
#§%*~~.... ***~~~..~~~*** ....~~*%§#
##£§¤%*=~. .~=*%¤§£##
##£§¤%*=~. this mofo got messed up. weird tech. .~=*%¤§£##
§§¤¤*~.... like an idiot i tried to screw it back ....~*¤¤§§
##£§¤%*=~. together with a lot of junk inside to .~=*%¤§£##
###§¤%*=~. keep the pressure, but this only .~=*%¤§###
#§%%=~~~.. worsened things... ..~~~=%%§#
##£§¤%*=~. .~=*%¤§£##
##£§¤%*=~. these days it lies belly up without its .~=*%¤§£##
£¤*~~..... protective shell. it works! but only if .....~~*¤£
##£§¤%*=~. youre very delicate. .~=*%¤§£##
£¤**~~~... ...~~~**¤£
£¤**~..... ******~~~~~...~~~~~****** .....~**¤£
§§§§¤%*=~. additional more info time .~=*%¤§§§§
§¤*=...... ******~~~~~...~~~~~****** ......=*¤§
¶£$=~,~.,. .,.~,~=$£¶
#$;..¨¨¨.¨ i just soldered ground straight onto ¨.¨¨¨..;$#
@@&£¤§†»,¨ the side of the motor and now it works ¨,»†§¤£&@@
@@@@&$/~,. again, ev,en thho,u,-i lost t^e .,~/$&@@@@
#@¶&&$;~,. h,^^l,-- .n the process... .,~;$&&¶@#
@@¶§&^;«,, ,,«;^&§¶@@
#@%£*==~,¨ ¨,~==*£%@#
#%*%/--^¨¨ ¨¨^--/%*%#
#@##£%;=., ,.=;%£##@#
£*=^.¨¨¨,¨ ¨,¨¨¨.^=*£
@@**«,:.¨¨ ¨¨.:,«**@@