teenage engineering presents    
   the pocket operators   
             they break easily            
 for example if you would be  to put them 
              in your pocket              
 here presented  in an  ascending fashion 
              po twelve               
      (drum machine, see po twelve)       
              po fourteen             
 lame  base   synth  i   had   and   sold 
              po sixteen              
    (melody and stuff, see po sixteen)    
               po twenty              
  a chiptune-sounding blip blop machine   
 good for chords and stuff. never used it 
             po twentyfour            
     office rompler? for what reason?     
            po twentyeight            
        melody and stuff mark two         
         (only melodies this time)        
             po thirtytwo             
           drum machine mark two          
 runs on  some computer software  to make 
 your own drums  and  whatnot. but it  is 
            expensive this one