in      the      depths      of     may. 
 imagine  if you will,  a  lush blueberry 
 spruce  forest,  with  rolling hills and 
          knee-deep underbrush.           
 the  ground  is  soft. leaves in  all of 
 the  seven  stages of decomposition  are 
   packed loosely together... sometimes   
 there are  rocks.  bigger boulders  peek 
             out of the hills.            
 there could be,  somewhere in the depths 
 of it all, a crevice filled with  water. 
    bird cherries at the edges, dipping   
 their long fingers beneath the  surface. 
    water lilies, maybe. the water is     
  yellow-green with pollen, and insects   
     are swarming above the surface.      
        water striders, mosquitos,        
         back flies, crane flies.         
 in   this  case  we   would  use   deet, 
 or diethyltoluamide as it's also called. 
 deet  should  be applied  to  your skin. 
 you should cover all skin that is  to be 
 exposed to air. it's  ok to  get some in 
 the  eyes.  rub  until  it feels  right, 
 until the  skin feels good.  let it soak 
       you've now become poisonous.