.:»:%¤§@@@ @@@§¤%:»:.
.:»:%¤§@@# #@@§¤%:»:.
.:»:%¤§@@@ @@@§¤%:»:.
.:»:%¤§@@# #@@§¤%:»:.
.:»:%¤§@@# #@@§¤%:»:.
.....»»%¤@ in the depths of may. @¤%»».....
.:»:%¤§@@# #@@§¤%:»:.
.:»:%¤§@@# :::::::::: #@@§¤%:»:.
.:»:%¤§@@# ::### :: #@@§¤%:»:.
.:»:%¤§@@# ::### :: #@@§¤%:»:.
.:»%¤§@@## :: ###:: ##@@§¤%»:.
..:::»%%¤@ :: ###:: @¤%%»:::..
.:»:%¤§@@@ :::::::::: @@@§¤%:»:.
......:»%§ §%»:......
.:»:%¤§@@# imagine if you will, a lush blueberry #@@§¤%:»:.
.:»:%¤§@@# spruce forest, with rolling hills and #@@§¤%:»:.
...:::¤§§§ knee-deep underbrush. §§§¤:::...
.......»%§ §%».......
....:»:¤¤@ the ground is soft. leaves in all of @¤¤:»:....
.:»:%¤§@@# the seven stages of decomposition are #@@§¤%:»:.
....»:¤§§@ packed loosely together... sometimes @§§¤:»....
.:»:%¤§@@@ there are rocks. bigger boulders peek @@@§¤%:»:.
.:»:%¤§@@# out of the hills. #@@§¤%:»:.
.:»:%¤§§§@ @§§§¤%:»:.
.....»::¤@ there could be, somewhere in the depths @¤::».....
....»%¤¤¤@ of it all, a crevice filled with water. @¤¤¤%»....
.:»»»»%¤¤@ bird cherries at the edges, dipping @¤¤%»»»»:.
......»:¤@ their long fingers beneath the surface. @¤:»......
.:»:%¤§@@# water lilies, maybe. the water is #@@§¤%:»:.
..:»:%%¤@@ yellow-green with pollen, and insects @@¤%%:»:..
.:»:%¤§§§§ are swarming above the surface. §§§§¤%:»:.
......»%%§ §%%»......
.:»:::%¤¤@ water striders, mosquitos, @¤¤%:::»:.
...»»»:¤@@ back flies, crane flies. @@¤:»»»...
.:::»%¤§§§ §§§¤%»:::.
.:»:%§@@## :::::::::: ##@@§%:»:.
.:»:%¤§@@# ::### :: #@@§¤%:»:.
......»»%§ ::### :: §%»»......
..:»:%¤¤@@ :: ###:: @@¤¤%:»:..
.:»:%¤§§§@ :: ###:: @§§§¤%:»:.
.:»:%¤§@## :::::::::: ##@§¤%:»:.
.:»:%¤§@## ##@§¤%:»:.
.:»:%%%¤¤@ in this case we would use deet, @¤¤%%%:»:.
.:»:%¤§@@# or diethyltoluamide as it's also called. #@@§¤%:»:.
.:»:%¤§§§@ @§§§¤%:»:.
....»::¤§@ deet should be applied to your skin. @§¤::»....
.....:»»%§ you should cover all skin that is to be §%»»:.....
.:»:%¤§@@# exposed to air. it's ok to get some in #@@§¤%:»:.
.:»:%¤@@## the eyes. rub until it feels right, ##@@¤%:»:.
.:»:%¤§@@# until the skin feels good. let it soak #@@§¤%:»:.
.:»:%¤§@@# in. #@@§¤%:»:.
.:»:%¤§@@@ @@@§¤%:»:.
.:»:%¤§§§@ you've now become poisonous. @§§§¤%:»:.
......:»%§ §%»:......
....:::¤@@ @@¤:::....
.......»%§ §%».......
.:»:%¤¤§§@ @§§¤¤%:»:.
......»:¤§ §¤:»......