,,,,,»§£@@ @@£§»,,,,,
,,»*§£@@## ##@@£§*»,,
,,»*§£@@## ##@@£§*»,,
,,»*§££@@# #@@££§*»,,
,,»*§£@@## ##@@£§*»,,
,,,,,,»*£@ @£*»,,,,,,
,,»*§£@### ,,,»»» Outside »»»,, ###@£§*»,,
,,»*§£@@## ,,,,*****,,,, ##@@£§*»,,
,,,,,*§§@@ @@§§*,,,,,
,,»*§£@@## Everything Cool Happens Outisde! It'S ##@@£§*»,,
,,»*§£@@## Where Weather Happens, It'S The SunS ##@@£§*»,,
,,»*§£@@## Domain. ##@@£§*»,,
,,,,,»*£@# #@£*»,,,,,
,,»*§£@@@@ Trees Are Outside, RiverS Are Outside, @@@@£§*»,,
,,»*§£@@## Most AnimalS Are Outside. ##@@£§*»,,
,,»*§£@@## ##@@£§*»,,
,,»*§£@@## ,,,,*****,,,, ##@@£§*»,,
,,,,,»»§£@ @£§»»,,,,,
,,,,,*§§£@ "Inside" Is An Artificial Construct @£§§*,,,,,
,,,,***£@# #@£***,,,,
,,»*§£@@## Mathematically Placed Trees On The Side ##@@£§*»,,
,,»*§£@@## Of The Road ##@@£§*»,,
,,»*§£@@## ##@@£§*»,,
,,»*§£@@## Cities Come At A Peculiar And Horrible ##@@£§*»,,
,,»*§£@@## Cost, That Must Be Kept Secret. This Is ##@@£§*»,,
,,,,,,*££@ The Power Of "Inside" @££*,,,,,,
,,,»»»*§@@ @@§*»»»,,,
,,»*§£@@@@ @@@@£§*»,,
,,,,,»§£@@ @@£§»,,,,,
,,,,,»*§@# #@§*»,,,,,
,,»*§££@@@ @@@££§*»,,
,,,,,,»*£@ @£*»,,,,,,