,,~:^@#@@# #@@#@^:~,,
,,~:^@#@## ##@#@^:~,,
,,~:^@#@@# #@@#@^:~,,
,,~:^@#@@# #@@#@^:~,,
,,~:^^@@@# #@@@^^:~,,
,,~:^@#@## ##@#@^:~,,
,,~:^@#@@# ,,,~~~ Outside ~~~,, #@@#@^:~,,
,,,,::@@#@ ,,,,:::::,,,, @#@@::,,,,
,,~:^@#@@# #@@#@^:~,,
,,,~~^^#@@ Everything Cool Happens Outisde! It'S @@#^^~~,,,
,,,,::^@## Where Weather Happens, It'S The SunS ##@^::,,,,
,,~:^@#@@@ Domain. @@@#@^:~,,
,,~:^@#@@# #@@#@^:~,,
,,~:^@#@@@ Trees Are Outside, RiverS Are Outside, @@@#@^:~,,
,,~::^@@@# Most AnimalS Are Outside. #@@@^::~,,
,,,,,,~:@@ @@:~,,,,,,
,,,,:::@## ,,,,:::::,,,, ##@:::,,,,
,,~:^@#@@@ @@@#@^:~,,
,,~:^@#@@# "Inside" Is An Artificial Construct #@@#@^:~,,
,,~:^@#@@# #@@#@^:~,,
,,~:^@@### Mathematically Placed Trees On The Side ###@@^:~,,
,,,,,::@#@ Of The Road @#@::,,,,,
,,~:^@#@@# #@@#@^:~,,
,,~:^@#@@@ Cities Come At A Peculiar And Horrible @@@#@^:~,,
,,,,~^^#@@ Cost, That Must Be Kept Secret. This Is @@#^^~,,,,
,,~:^@@@## The Power Of "Inside" ##@@@^:~,,
,,~:^@#@@# #@@#@^:~,,
,,~:^@#@@@ @@@#@^:~,,
,,,,~~~^@@ @@^~~~,,,,
,,~:^@#### ####@^:~,,
,,~:^@#@@# #@@#@^:~,,
,,~:^@#@@# #@@#@^:~,,