####%%^=,. .,=^%%####
###%%^=,.. ..,=^%%###
##%%^=,... ...,=^%%##
###%%^=,.. ..,=^%%###
####%%^=,. .,=^%%####
###%%^=,.. %,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,% ..,=^%%###
##%%^=,... % [Five Minutes After] Second Sunrise % ...,=^%%##
###%%^=,.. % .................................... % ..,=^%%###
####%%^=,. % It Is The Sunrise Following % .,=^%%####
###%%^=,.. % The First Sunset Experienced During % ..,=^%%###
##%%^=,... % A Single Waking Period. % ...,=^%%##
###%%^=,.. %,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,% ..,=^%%###
####%%^=,. .,=^%%####
###%%^=,.. You'Re One Step Inward, Downward: Light ..,=^%%###
##%%^=,... Falls From A Strange Direction, ...,=^%%##
###%%^=,.. Illuminating The Forest Differently. ..,=^%%###
####%%^=,. Familiar Places Have Other Contours. .,=^%%####
###%%^=,.. ..,=^%%###
##%%^=,... There'S Usually A Prevailing Rotten ...,=^%%##
###%%^=,.. Smell, Almost Sweet. This Would Be The ..,=^%%###
####%%^=,. Over-Ripe Belly Of The Previous Day. .,=^%%####
###%%^=,.. Some Come To Like It; I Don'T. ..,=^%%###
##%%^=,... ...,=^%%##
###%%^=,.. Finally, There'S A False Strength, A ..,=^%%###
####%%^=,. Fools Strength. Given To You By The Air .,=^%%####
###%%^=,.. And The Light. But It'S Treacherous. ..,=^%%###
##%%^=,... ...,=^%%##
###%%^=,.. Its Purpose Is To Lure You On Dark ..,=^%%###
####%%^=,. Errands, But It Doesn'T Care For You. .,=^%%####
###%%^=,.. The "Fairy'S Tailwind" Will Shift ..,=^%%###
##%%^=,... Without Warning As Soon As It Finds A ...,=^%%##
###%%^=,.. More Promising Subject, Leaving You ..,=^%%###
####%%^=,. Washed Up In Unknown Places Without The .,=^%%####
###%%^=,.. Means Of A Return. ..,=^%%###
##%%^=,... ...,=^%%##
###%%^=,.. %^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^% ..,=^%%###
####%%^=,. % Detritus Source % .,=^%%####
###%%^=,.. %^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^% ..,=^%%###
##%%^=,... ...,=^%%##
###%%^=,.. ..,=^%%###
####%%^=,. .,=^%%####
###%%^=,.. ..,=^%%###
##%%^=,... ...,=^%%##