,&¨#¨@,&,¨ @@,.&§.£&¨
#§.&¨@,&.§ ¤§¨&¨§,¨@.
.§¨§.¤¨@.¨ ¨§¨§¨&,@@.
§@,¤,@,#¨& #@¨£.&,.¤.
.£¨#.@,§,¨ .£,@,#¨¨
@&.&¨&.#.# » # « # &&.§¨§¨¨§,
.¤,¤,¤¨@.¨ ¨#, ~«~««~--~««=~~«»--~= ¨#¨ ,@.&,@¨&&,
#&,£¨£,@,& #. the secret meaning # ##,@¨&,,§,
¨¤¨¤,£.§., .#¨ of places ,.#. ,&,£.#¨@§.
£@.&.£.&¨# ~# ~ ~»~=~»~~=«-=»«~=«~=~ .# ~ ##,£.@,.¤¨
¨@.§,¤¨£¨. #, .#. . ¨¤,&¨@.&@¨
££.¤¨&,#¨¤ , . ¨ . ¨ : %&&%:. ¨¨ % † ## ¤#.#.&¨,¤¨
¨@,£,&,§,, # # ###§ ¤@¶¶#@#####.¨ ¨@.&,£,¤¤.
§&¨§¨#,§,@ ¨ , . ., , -†&¤† , % = ^ £§¨&¨#..£¨
,§¨¤¨&,£,¨ ,¨ « » = ~ .£.#¨&,##,
.§¨£.#,@ , sell time to find me. magnetic @§¨§¨¤,,#.
.#¨§,#.¤¨. things last longer. the physical ,§,£.#,§&,
§#¨@.@,£¨¤ manifestation of [???] objects stored ££,¤,¤.¨¤,
¨@,£,¤,&¨, in ether. stored... aged, like whiskey. .&.@¨@¨§#,
¤¤.¤¨#,£.§ « ~ « - = » -' £&¨¤,¤¨,£¨
,#.#,§,&,. there's a great [???]mark around where .#.#¨&,£¤¨
@#,§¨#.#,£ [is] and [???] £¤,¤¨¤,¨§¨
,§,¤,&.¤¨¨ i see ten thousand tribes from here, ,§.£.@,¤£.
£§,¤.§.&¨# and kind [???] §£¨§,#,,#,
,@¨£¨@¨&,. if i told about pylons etc ,#.§,£,@#.
@§¨#,¤.@¨& « £ #¤.#¨#,¨@,
,@¨£¨#.¤¨¨ ~ = ¨ , .¨ .,, ¨ ¨¨,,.,,.¨¨. . ,#,£,@,@&,
#&.§¨§.@,& grimes, like in mistborn,,¨ ,. ,.,. §@.@.§¨,&,
.£.¤,#¨&,, - ~ ^ ~:,.: : ~- ¨ - .&.¤,@¨&@.
&¤,#¨&,£¨& = §¤¨£¨§,¨#.
¨£,£¨@,¤¨¨ bloody-minded vore-willing ,¤.§.&,§§¨
#&,§¨¤¨@¨@ «¤» filth-willing spring-wolf ^ @#,¤.¤¨,£,
,£.§¨#.¤.¨ - (plants who smell like food?) - ¨#.#.#,£¤.
##.&,@¨&,§ he roams... everything is like a garden. §#¨£.£.¨¤,
¨#.#,¤¨#,. . : a "garden" .§¨§¨¤,##.
§§.¤.&¨£.& =:-, , , ¨ : † #¤.&.¤¨.§¨
,@¨£¨&.¤,, to expand on the concept of normalcy: * ¨£¨§.#,§#,
¤@¨&¨&,¤¨& »«»-~=«~«~~=««-«=»†:/* the flesh is § £&,¤¨#.,&.
.§,&¨¤¨§¨, the centerpiece - it filters your = ¨£.#,@¨££¨
¤§.£,#.§.¤ experience, soaks up impressions like a* &@¨¤,&..#¨
¨¤.£.£.£¨, sponge [???] a [???] a sponge that ,#.&.&.¤&¨
@¤,#.¤.&¨¤ colours its burden. it empties itself in ££.£¨@,,£.
.#¨¤.¤¨@,, your brain. . ¨ .&.@,§,@&,
#&¨¤,&.@,# the brain is also a filter, ¨ #@¨¤.#,.¤,
¨@¨¤,£¨#¨¨ a distorter, a guardian, a sleuth, ,#¨£.£¨¤¤¨
#@¨#,&,&¨# ,a full on [???] malicious [???] [???] ¤&,£¨&..@,
.&.#.§,£., meter man, [???] ¨ ¨¤¨@¨@.§¤,
,§.&¨§¨§ , , ¨ @¤,£,&.¨&.
.£,§,@.@,, « mess with the body and [???] the ¨ ,£,@,£.§@,
&£,¤.@.£,§ falsely colored impressions are ,@¨¤,¨£¨
,#¨¤.§¨£., interpreted . ,@,£¨§.@¤¨
##¨£¨@,¤¨£ = differently.. they'll travel &@,@,&,¨&,
¨£¨&¨#,@.¨ another road... another reality is built .§,#¨£.,
@¤.£,&,£,@ , « , ¤§¨#.§,,£.
,¤¨¤¨&¨£¨. mess with the brain as well... . ,¤.#¨£¨@#¨
£§¨#.§,§,§ all properties are lost.«. everything is @£¨¤¨§,,@.
,&¨£,£,#,¨ made of sand. [???] four dimensional .§,@.¤.£&¨
¤#.&.&¨§¨§ sculpture. ~ - ,, . » £&.£.£.¨£,
¨¤,&.@¨@,. , . * § = . *¨ ¨§.§.†.¨ ,, . ¨£,£,&,§&,
&@,@.§,¤.£ ~ , , ^ ~ ,:, #&,&¨#.,£,
,§,@,§.&.. the wolf is thus like † % § ¨§.@¨¤,£&¨
£&,&,#.§.¤ / - a fluid , ¤@,#.&..#.
.&.&,@¨£.¨ moss, forest, "the wild", shadows, the ,#,¤.&.£&¨
§@¨§.¤.£.& darkness at the side of the road, &§¨#,¤¨.&¨
.¤¨¤¨@,@.. secret places in general. a secret ¨ ¨@.¤¨#¨#£,
£#¨§.@¨@,£ spectrum of animals. . §¤,&.¤¨¨&¨
.§.¤,#.§¨, ¨ ¨ ,@,#¨#¨&§¨
#@¨£.§¨&,£ , ¨ ¨ ¨ ££¨#,#¨,&.
,§.§.¤.#.. ., ¨ . ¨¨ * * , ¨ .&¨#¨¤,§&¨
&&,#,&.¤,£ ¨ , ,§=† % *^^ * , . † ; §¤¨§.£,.£.
¨§¨£.@,&., » % % * » * » » ¨¤,&,@,&@¨
#&,@¨&.&.# - « ~ - - » ¤¤¨¤.£,¨¤.
,#,@¨#¨£,¨ = ~ = .§¨§,#.@#¨
§§¨£¨£¨&¨# eight bars of information, looping » £¤.£¨&¨¨£¨
¨£.#.¤,§,, among the sounds ~ ¨#.§,&,§§.
#@.£.&¨§,¤ ~ . ¤@,£¨§,,¤,
,¤¨¤,@.¤¨. of some unmarked treasure... often as a ,§¨£.§.£§.
¤#,§,£¨@¨@ fractalesque rabbit hole - unmapped §¤¨¤,§,.&.
.&,£¨¤¨£¨¨ » territory condensed to a point. .£,§.¤¨#¤.
¤§¨#,§¨#.& - » #§,§,#¨¨#.
¨£,@¨¤¨£.¨ something escaped [???] possibly looming .#¨&,#.@@¨
¤#¨£¨#.#¨¤ at the center of the map @#,§¨§¨.&¨
.§,&.@.&,, .§.¤,§,@§.
##.¤,#.&¨@ addicted to the sylveon feelers. i am ££¨@.@¨,@,
¨¤¨¤,§,&.¨ going to throw all of my things out. i ¨£.@¨#¨£¤,
¤£¨#.§,¤¨§ am going to destroy all my shit ¤@.§¨£,¨§¨
,£.#.&.@.¨ † .¤.#.#,&@,
§¤¨#.§,¤,§ &¤,&¨¤,,@¨
¨@.#,@.£,¨ i was in the lake and the water wass ,£¨£,@¨@@,
#§¨¤,&,&.& still. i was in the lake and bent myself @&,§.£,¨§¨
¨¤,#¨§¨§,. into an arc over the water below me and ¨¤¨&.#¨¤£,
@#,@,&,¤.@ watched the horizon under me, with my £@,£.&.,§¨
,@,¤¨@.#., ¨ breathing adjusted ¨#.¤¨£,&§¨
#@¨@,&.&,# - . % #@,#.§..&,
¨#,@,¤.@¨, ~ « « .¤,@,&¨§£.
££.§.§.&.& junehop two secret bug trax - @£¨@,&.¨&,
¨£,¤¨§¨@,, tapedrop .@.@,§.£&.
¤£.#¨¤.#.@ ¨ ¨ softcore anime dub , £&,#.£.,#¨
¨&.¤.#,#,. .£.§.¤.¤§¨
£@,#.§¨&,& vocal sleaze twenty twentyone - ¤#,@.¤,.§.
,£¨&.£,£¨, § = ~ , ,£,¤,§,@#¨
#&¨&,@,@.§ ¨#,&,,@.
.§.&.¤.¤,¨ qr-horo (wolf girl but expressed ¨¤,#,§,#@.
¤#.#.¤¨#,£ as a two dimensional bar code) &£¨@¨#¨,¤,
,@.£,£¨¤.. * = ^ .¤,§.¤,¨
&¤¨@¨£¨£.§ « : £@¨£,#.,#.
¨@.¤.&¨§.¨ / ,¤¨¤¨£¨¤§¨
§&¨¤¨§¨#.§ \ , £@¨§¨¤,.§¨
,#.¤.§,£,. .¤.¤,§.§&.
&&.¤.¤¨¤¨@ - §#.§¨&¨,£¨
¨#.@¨&¨§¨, ,¤.§¨§¨@§¨
¤@¨£.¤¨§,@ ¨ §§.£.§,¨§¨
,#.§.£¨&,. ,£,&,§.¤¤.
¤@,#¨£¨@,# #¤¨§¨§.,@¨
.#,£,¤¨&¨, ¨§,¤,@¨#@¨
¤§,#¨&¨£¨@ §#.¤,&,,§¨
,&.&.¤.@,, ¨£¨#.¤.§&.
§§¨£.¤.@.§ #§,&.@¨¨@¨