¤$:==..... .....==:$¤
@%:,,,.... ....,,,:%@
#@@¤%$:=,. .,=:$%¤@@#
#@@¤%$:=,. .,=:$%¤@@#
¤%$::::=,. .,=::::$%¤
@¤$$:,.... hope for an inert moon , ....,:$$¤@
¤$:=,,,... ================================¤, ...,,,=:$¤
##@@%$:=,. , .,=:$%@@##
##@@%$:=,. .,=:$%@@##
@@@¤%$:=,. lcross, please do not find water. .,=:$%¤@@@
##@¤%$:=,. if you must, please do not find much. .,=:$%¤@##
¤%%$:::=,. find it in a single location, .,=:::$%%¤
@¤¤%::==,. find it full with contaminants. .,==::%¤¤@
¤¤%%:==,,. .,,==:%%¤¤
@%$:,,,... viper, please do not find water. ...,,,:$%@
##@¤%$:=,. if you must, please do not find more. .,=:$%¤@##
#@@¤%$:=,. find it hidden and spread out, .,=:$%¤@@#
#@@¤%$:=,. find it in unforgiving terrain. .,=:$%¤@@#
@@@¤%$:=,. .,=:$%¤@@@
@@%$$=,... don't make them dig and harvest! ...,=$$%@@
##@¤%$:=,. don't bring industry into our skies! .,=:$%¤@##
¤$====.... leave heaven be. oh, leave heaven be! ....====$¤
¤$=....... .......=$¤
@¤%%:::=,. .,=:::%%¤@
#@@¤%$:=,. .,=:$%¤@@#
@¤%$:::=,. .,=:::$%¤@
#@@¤%$:=,. .,=:$%¤@@#