#@@@£=:~~, ,~~:=£@@@#
##@@£=:~~, ,~~:=£@@##
@=:~,,,,,, ,,,,,,~:=@
##@@£=:~~, ,~~:=£@@##
##@@£=:~~, ,~~:=£@@##
@@@£:~~,,, ###:~ ~:### ,,,~~:£@@@
##@@£=:~~, ~::####::~ ~::####::~ ,~~:=£@@##
##@@£=:~~, ~~ ~:######:~ ~~ ,~~:=£@@##
@£==~~,,,, ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ,,,,~~==£@
@@£=~~~,,, ~~~~ ~~~~ ,,,~~~=£@@
###@@£=:~~ ~~~ street lights... ~~~ ~~:=£@@###
##@@£=:~~, ~~~~ for some reason, ~~~~ ,~~:=£@@##
##@@£=:~~, ~~ the street lights always have a ~~ ,~~:=£@@##
###@@£:~~, particular pattern. it starts with a ,~~:£@@###
@£=~~,,,,, row of white lights, then it's joined ,,,,,~~=£@
@@£:~~~,,, by a red row, then the blue ones, and ,,,~~~:£@@
##@@£=:~~, so on. and then, there's a second row, ,~~:=£@@##
@@=~,,,,,, almost mirroring the first. ,,,,,,~=@@
###@@£=:~~ ~~:=£@@###
@@@=:~~,,, i've been counting how many of each ,,,~~:=@@@
@@=~,,,,,, shape there is. ,,,,,,~=@@
##@@£=:~~, i think it's a kind of angel language. ,~~:=£@@##
##@@£=:~~, angel bodies made of light, running ,~~:=£@@##
#@=~~,,,,, along the streets even at night. ,,,,,~~=@#
#@=:~~,,,, ,,,,~~:=@#
###@@£=~~, ~~~~ ,~~=£@@###
###@@=:~~, ~~~~ ~~~~ ,~~:=@@###
@£::~,,,,, ~~~ ~~~ ,,,,,~::£@
##@@£=:~~, ~~~~ ~~~~ ,~~:=£@@##
@£==:::~~, ~~~ ~~~ ,~~:::==£@
##@@£=:~~, ~~~~ ~~~~ ,~~:=£@@##
###@£=:~~, ,~~:=£@###
##@@£=:~~, like they're looking for something. ,~~:=£@@##
@£:~~~,,,, ,,,,~~~:£@
##@@£=:~~, ,~~:=£@@##
##@@£=:~~, ,~~:=£@@##
###@£=:~~, ,~~:=£@###
###@@=:~~, ,~~:=@@###