¨§§§§§§¨§§ §¨¨§§§¨§¨¨
¨§¨¨¨¨¨§§¨ ¨§¨§¨¨§§§¨
¨§§¨¨¨¨§¨§ ¨§§§§¨§¨¨§
§§¨§¨¨¨§§§ §§¨¨¨§§§¨§
¨¨§§§¨¨§¨¨ §¨§¨¨§¨¨§§
§¨§¨¨§¨§§¨ Two Forces §§§§¨§§¨§¨
§§§§¨§§§¨§ ===..........=========================== ¨¨¨¨§§¨§§§
¨¨¨¨§§¨¨§§ ¨¨¨¨§¨§§¨¨
¨¨¨¨§¨§¨§¨ ¨¨¨¨§§§¨§¨
¨¨¨¨§§§§§§ So There Are Two Forces Of Nature To §¨¨¨§¨¨§§§
§¨¨¨§¨¨¨¨¨ Speak Of: One Is Some Kind Of Disgust, ¨§¨¨§§¨§¨¨
§§¨¨§§¨¨¨¨ If I Think Allright, There'S Cats ¨§§¨§¨§§§¨
§¨§¨§¨§¨¨¨ Outside Who Wants To Come Inside, §§¨§§§§¨¨§
¨§§§§§§§¨¨ That'S Cool, But What If They Were Rats? ¨¨§§¨¨¨§¨§
§§¨¨¨¨¨¨§¨ ¨¨§¨§¨¨§§§
¨¨§¨¨¨¨¨§§ And Suddenly It'S Gross, And The Rats ¨¨§§§§¨§¨¨
¨¨§§¨¨¨¨§¨ Are Unavoidable, And Everything Is §¨§¨¨¨§§§¨
¨¨§¨§¨¨¨§§ Dirty And Oily And Intrusive, It'S §§§§¨¨§¨¨§
§¨§§§§¨¨§¨ Dark, Gloomy And Filthy And Purposeless, ¨¨¨¨§¨§§¨§
¨§§¨¨¨§¨§§ ¨¨¨¨§§§¨§§
§§¨§¨¨§§§¨ And In A Way Everything Is Just Big §¨¨¨§¨¨§§¨
§¨§§§¨§¨¨§ Joke, There'S No End In Sight, It Just ¨§¨¨§§¨§¨§
¨§§¨¨§§§¨§ Goes On Forever And We'Ve Always Been ¨§§¨§¨§§§§
§§¨§¨§¨¨§§ Here And The Grime Is Everywhere. §§¨§§§§¨¨¨
§¨§§§§§¨§¨ ¨¨§§¨¨¨§¨¨
§§§¨¨¨¨§§§ ¨¨§¨§¨¨§§¨
§¨¨§¨¨¨§¨¨ The Other Force Is This Belonging, ¨¨§§§§¨§¨§
¨§¨§§¨¨§§¨ Connecting, Finding A Fox In The §¨§¨¨¨§§§§
§§§§¨§¨§¨§ Supposedly Closed Down Mystery Zones, ¨§§§¨¨§¨¨¨
§¨¨¨§§§§§§ ¨§¨¨§¨§§¨¨
§§¨¨§¨¨¨¨¨ And The Feeling Is That Everything Is §§§¨§§§¨§¨
§¨§¨§§¨¨¨¨ Not A Joke But A Plot, A Conspiracy In ¨¨¨§§¨¨§§§
¨§§§§¨§¨¨¨ Your Favour, And We'Re Gonna Live ¨¨¨§¨§¨§¨¨
¨§¨¨¨§§§¨¨ Forever, We'Ve Always Been Here, ¨¨¨§§§§§§¨
¨§§¨¨§¨¨§¨ Everything Fits Together, Nothing'S A §¨¨§¨¨¨¨¨§
§§¨§¨§§¨§§ Problem, Everything'S Ok And Forgiven §§¨§§¨¨¨¨§
¨¨§§§§¨§§¨ And Exactly As It'S Supposed To Be. §¨§§¨§¨¨¨§
§¨§¨¨¨§§¨§ §§§¨§§§¨¨§
¨§§§¨¨§¨§§ §¨¨§§¨¨§¨§
§§¨¨§¨§§§¨ ¨§¨§¨§¨§§§
¨¨§¨§§§¨¨§ §§§§§§§§¨¨
¨¨§§§¨¨§¨§ §¨¨¨¨¨¨¨§¨
¨¨§¨¨§¨§§§ §§¨¨¨¨¨¨§§