,,,&&&,,,, &,,,,,,&,,
&&,,&,,&&& ,,&&&&,,,&
&,,,,,,,&& ,,,&&,,&,,
,,&&&&&,,& &&,,,,,,,,
&,,&&&,,,, &,,&&&&&&&
,,,,&,,&&, , ,,,,&&&&&&
,&&,,,,,,, ,†@# ,&&,,&&&&,
,,,,&&&&&, ,†@# ,,,,,,&&,,
&&&,,&&&,, ,†@# ,&&&&,,,,&
&&,,,,&,,, ,†@# #@† ,,&&,,&&,,
,,,&&,,,&& ,†@# #@†, &,,,,,,,,,
&&,,,,&,,, ,†@# #@†, ,,&&&&&&&&
&,,&&,,,&& ,†@# Eurorack #@†, &,,&&&&&&&
,,,,,,&,,& ,†@# #@†, ,,,,&&&&&&
,&&&&,,,,, ,†@# #@†, ,&&,,&&&&,
,,&&,,&&&& †@# #@†, "Eurorack" ,,,,,,&&,,
&,,,,,,&&& #@†, (Thanks Dieter) &&&&&,,,,&
,,&&&&,,&, #@†, An Ecosystem For Building &&&&,,&&,,
&,,&&,,,,, #@†, Your Own Prayer Machine &&&,,,,,,&
,,,,,,&&&, , &&,,&&&&,,
&&&&&,,&,, &,,,,&&,,&
&&&&,,,,,, Things Called "Synthesizers" Can Be Used ,,&&,,,,,,
,&&,,&&&&& For Communion With Deities And FursonaS. &,,,,&&&&,
,,,,,,&&&& ,,&&,,&&,,
&&&&&,,&&& Popularized By Serge And His Ilk Such As ,,,,,,,,,&
&&&&,,,,&& Mc kenna Or Buchla. You Can Induce &&&&&&&&,,
,&&,,&&,,& Liminal States To Aid In Divination. &&&&&&&,,,
,,,,,,,,,, ,&&&&&,,&&
,&&&&&&&&& #@†, ,†@# ,,&&&,,,,,
,,&&&&&&&& &,,&,,&&&&
,,,&&&&&&& "Frog box": The Author'S Attempt At ,,,,,,,&&,
&&,,&&&&&& Such A Device. &&&&&&,,,,
,,,,,&&&&& &&&&&,,&&,
&&&&,,&&&, &&&&,,,,,,
,&&,,,,&,, &&&,,&&&&,
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&&&,,,,&,, &,,&&,,,,&