maybe i'm born with it!          
     maybe it's cat piss!             
              fear of ai is the truth 
         leaking in but still colored 
        by the simulation. in reality 
             the mycelial network has 
    overtaken earth and put us under. 
                it's p. much the matrix 
 this is why  the collective subconscious 
 works.  similarly,   history  is  always 
 defined  by  what   we  think   it   is. 
 battle  between  fungal  species? are we 
 too  powerful   and  will   create   the 
 mushroom   again,      inside? 
 dreams  are of the  network. "gateway to 
 old  earth".  maybe  outer/inner  earth. 
 in  this  reality  there  are  only  two 
 materials:    "plastic"    and   "fruit" 
     (bassically    inorganic    and    
         organic   materials)         
 i'd  pay in blood to thin out the border 
 between   dream   and  reality.  between 
 dream and dream.  last one told me  that 
 work was  caging me in a  damp and  oily 
 basement   jail   cell.             
 they  brainwash me at work by having  my 
 password  be bad for  my  fingers, makes 
 me physically ill to type  it, and  then 
 they reject fourty percent  of my  login 
 attempts  to  have  me   type  it  more, 
 i  call  an emergency hotline: "we can't 
 tell you  what's wrong  with  you.  your 
 story   is  your   own,  nobody  elses."