,,,,,,,,,£ ,,£££,,,££
,£££££££,, £,,£,,£,,,
,,£££££,,£ ,,,,,,,,££
,,,£££,,,, ,££££££,,,
££,,£,,££, ,,££££,,££
£,,,,,,,,, # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # £,,££,,,,£
,,££££££££ * The Wolf pool Exists * ,,,,,,££,,
£,,£££££££ * In A Stale Timeline, * ,££££,,,,£
,,,,££££££ * Branched Way Back * ,,££,,££,,
£££,,£££££ * When Kirugu vargir * £,,,,,,,,£
££,,,,££££ * Was Almost Barren, * ,,££££££,,
,,,££,,£££ Comprised Mostly Of Rock And Arid Soil, ,,,££££,,,
££,,,,,,££ And Plants Were Only Starting To Grow, ££,,££,,££
£,,££££,,, * At All... * ,,,,,,,,,£
,,,,££,,££ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # ££££££££,,
¤¤&,¨,.,., ,@¤&§£&¨¨#
¤§¨¨¤§¤#@£ Misplaced Explorers Traverse The .¨§£,..,
¨¨,,¨¤#£¤@ Landscape, Searching For A Way Back, §,,#&¨,#@,
£¤§§,¨#§#@ Finding Instead Only Stone And Dirt And ,¨.,.¨.,¨,
.£@,,¨,§#£ Roots That Are As Hard As The Ground. ,£§£@&¤¤¤.
.,.,§&,¨#§ It'S Getting Dark, They Are Thirsty, ¨,§#§&§¤,¨
£§#¨.¨¨.., And About To Find The Wolf pool. #,.§&@£.¨£
£§.¨#@&@@§ ,.,.£@..,¨
,,..,&£#@, ¨#. .£¤.,¨,#§,
££@¤,.@&.. ,¨.¨&§,,¨.
,,,.,,.. The Pool Lies In A Small Meteorite .£§.,¨,£&,
.,¨¨#¤&§¤# Impact Crater, Sixty Meters Across. ..,,£&.,¨.
§££.¨@¤#§# It'S Surface Is Pitch Black And Even ¨£¤....@§§
#£..¨.¤£&§ Though It'S Not Well Protected, It Is .,,,@¤.¨&¤
&.,#@.¨@&. Undisturbed By Wind. ¨§§¨..¨¨¨&
¨,.¨¨,..¨, .¨,¨@&£&,.
@#&¤£&£#@. .#, §£§¨¨@¤¨,@
@&££@§§£., #@¨¨,,..¨.
¨£§§¤§#,¨¤ As They Stumble On The Pool, The &,¨#¤§¤£§,
¨,£#@&..,. Explorers First Believe It To Be Water, ¨,.¨£@£¤,,
@¨,§§,.¤¤¨ Which Is Something They All Desire ¨¤§..£¤,.@
,.¨,.,.,,, Greatly At This Point. They Fail To .,,¨¨¨,,..
§§#¤##§§ Notice That The Stars Do Not Reflect On #&£¤@£#£
¤@#£#£#§#§ Its Surface. One Of Them Crouches To ¤£#&£&¤£#@
#£§£&@£&&@ Drink, Forms A Cup With His Hands, ¤§§@#&§¤§&
#§§@&§£§§§ Lowers The Cup Into The Pool. £@§¤@§£##§
£¤#@¤¤&@£@ ¤&££¤@§@
§@#§£££§§¤ He Tries To Resist At First, But Is Too §&@§#£#¤&§
@#¤¤&@@@#& Close, And He Quickly Gives Up As The ##£#@§¤#¤£
§#&£££¤### Liquid Flows Into His Mind. The Others, #§#£¤¤
§£§#§@¤§¤§ = Not Understanding The«Danger, Move £¤#@#£§§¤&
¤£&§£@§##¤ Closer To Help Their,Friend. &§§&&£¤#£§
#££§#§#¤§# ¨ - = : , ¤#&§§£§§¤&
@§&@@£&@#@ And.Then.The.Pool.Announces¨Itself §&§§¤¤#@&@
££#@¤¤§§@£ To¨Them¨-¨Sudden¨^¨Thoughts¨Of. ¤#¤§@&¤#
£&@¤§#£¤£¤ ,.=Dark«Wolves«.Climbing,Out.Of,,-» §&£££##¤#¤
##&§#&&§@@ »»»The~Pool,«Surrounding:Them=-=†= §###@£¤@&§
@&§§¤§@£¤# :Sudden\Thoughts=Of~»=Climbing*%= @&£#&£#£@£
¤#@§&&@@¤¤ Into*The:Pool,=Their$Thirst%Flaring^ @#@&£##§
&£#£#¤£# †^$Bright=-*&A*Sudden£¤Awareness# &@@§¤£#§§#
¤¤§¤¤¤¤@£& #$Of$¤Exactly¤#How@They£Had£Traveled,$# §££@&¤#@&&
##@&&&§§&§ ##Of&The@Way@Home#£To@The@Time@From¶£ #@£§§&@£
#@#¤§@&@&¤ #@Where@They@Came,@@@#@@#And#Then##@# &@@#¤¤§#@§
@§§#¤§¤### #####The#Feeling#Of#This=Knowledge†» @&@#&&&&¤¤
@&@##@@@ ~~Being « Stolen ~- From ==» Them. , #¤#&@¤£#&§
@¤¤££#@§£# ~~ ¨ -~» . ». ~» « #¤@@££§@@#
§&@§#§§@ : -^ ^ ¨ #¤£§#&@#¤#
¤@££¤§@&&¤ ¨ . , % #&§§&§¤¤@@
@§£@@£§&¤£ @#§§§#§@£#
¤&§@@§§@#£ ,#. ##¤#@£¤§§§
&§§§#£&& ¤#¤&&@@#¤@
£¤¤###§¤¤¤ And, §§&§¤§£@#£
#&&&@@@&@£ §£¤&&§¤£&¤
§¤#§##£@§¤ Now The Reach Of The Pool Has Widened. &¤&@£#£#§£
¤&&£&§¤¤§§ Now Its Wolves See Further. §@§##@§&
§§¤£&@@§@@ £#@&§¤§¤
@§@&@£&§§@ #@@¤##£§@#
#£§@&£ &&@¤@@#¤#@
@£@¤@¤#¤ @§£@£##@@#
£@§&&&@@ #&¤§@¤&&§#