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......££££ ..££...££.
£££££..££. ;.;. ;...........; .;.; .....£....
.£££...... ££££...££.
..£..££££. i was at the beach and there was this .££..£....
£.....££.. person who never left the water, with .......£££
..£££..... her two dogs. large, orange dogs... .£££££..££
...£..££££ after watching for a while, i went to ..£££.....
££.....£££ swim, and they approached. ...£..££££
£..£££..££ ££.....£££
....£..... one of the dogs approached me, ...£££..££
.££...££££ friendly, he showed he his teeth. they ££..£.....
....£..££. were sharp, very sharp. he licked them. £.....££££
.££....... ..£££..££.
....££££££ suddenly i was terrified, i didn't know £..£......
£££..£££££ why, but i was terrified of the beach, .....£££££
££....££££ of land. but not of him. not of the ££££..££££
£..££..£££ teeth. £££....£££
........£. ££..££..££
.££££££... .^#««««#^. £.........
..££££..£. «#«#« . . «#«#« ..££££££££
...££..... «#« . . . . . . . . . . «#« ...££££££.
££....£££. ^ . . . . . . ^ ££..££££..
...££..£.. ^ the animal is beautiful, ^ £....££...
££.......£ ^ an inside-out version of a plant, ^ ..££....££
£..£££££.. # a gorgeous, seeping, dripping thing, # .....££..£
....£££... # and you want to be a part of it, # ££££......
£££..£..££ ^ you want to be inside of it, ^ .££..£££££
££.......£ ^ you want to be in the same place ^ ......££££
£..£££££.. ^ . . . . . . ^ .££££..£££
....£££..£ «#« . . . . . . . . . . «#« ..££....££
.££..£.... «#«#« . . «#«#« £....££...
.......££. .^#««««#^. ..££....££
.£££££.... .....££...
..£££..£££ ££££....££
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