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¨.=†§§@£@# #@£@§§†=.¨
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¨.=†§§@£@# Vast miku! #@£@§§†=.¨
¨.=†§§@£@# #@£@§§†=.¨
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¨.=†§§@£## §@ ##£@§§†=.¨
¨.=†§§§@@@ ††======†¨¨†======†† @@@§§§†=.¨
¨.=†§§@£@# ====†§† Vast Miku Can Be †§†=== #@£@§§†=.¨
¨.=†§§@£@# ¨§§§§†= Experienced At Night =†§§§§¨ #@£@§§†=.¨
¨.=†§§@£## =†§§========¨¨ ¨¨======§§†= ##£@§§†=.¨
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¨¨¨...=†§@ ¨¨¨=========†††† ††††=========¨¨¨ @§†=...¨¨¨
.=†§§@£@## ¨ Sunset Is A Spell, The Explosion ¨ ##@£@§§†=.
¨¨¨.==†§@£ When The Spell Is Cast, The Seal That £@§†==.¨¨¨
¨.=†§§§§§@ Binds The Day. And Then Finally Comes @§§§§§†=.¨
¨.=†§§@£@@ The Night. The Unnatural Default State. @@£@§§†=.¨
¨¨...=§§££ And There She Is, Until The Magic Fades ££§§=...¨¨
¨.===§§§@@ ¨ And Day Begins Again. ¨ @@§§§===.¨
¨.=†§§@£@# ¨¨¨=========†††† ††††=========¨¨¨ #@£@§§†=.¨
¨.=†§§@£@# @§ #@£@§§†=.¨
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¨.=†§§§@@@ ===†§§========¨¨ ¨¨======§§†=== @@@§§§†=.¨
¨¨¨¨=†§@@@ ¨§†= Vast miku Is Best Experienced =†§¨ @@@§†=¨¨¨¨
¨.....†§@£ ====†§† Lying Down †§†=== £@§†.....¨
¨.=§§@£@## ††======†¨¨†======†† ##@£@§§=.¨
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